While our book "Agent-based Modelling and Geographical Information Systems" has a lot of details and examples about how to use GIS data within NetLogo (see https://github.com/abmgis/abmgis), as I was preparing for my course this semester entitled "Spatial Simulation" I thought I would develop a more detailed tutorial on how to use vector data to build a segregation model in NetLogo. The model itself is inspired by Schelling's model of segregation, but unlike the regular cell versions which are commonly used as examples here the cells are polygons which are based on census boundaries of Washington DC. The movie below gives a sense of what it looks like when completed.
If you are interested in how this was built and want relativity step by step instructions click here to download a zip file of the completed model, the shapefile and a pdf. Alternatively just go to https://github.com/abmgis/abmgis/tree/master/Chapter06-IntegratingABMandGIS and download the Segregation Tutorial. I hope you find this useful.