
Wordle generated from the titles of my papers

Below is a list of papers relating to my work to date, broken down into categories. There are a few new papers coming soon which will be featured in the blog in the coming months. The rest of the papers should be able to be tracked down via a Google Search or Scholar. If you can’t find them just drop me a line and I can email you the work.

Journal Articles

Jiang, N., Yin, F., Wang., B. and Crooks, A.T. (2024), A Large-Scale Geographically Explicit Synthetic Population with Social Networks for the United States, Scientific Data, 11, 1204. Available at: (pdf)

Bard, J.E., Jiang, N., Emerson, J., Bartz, M., Lamb, N.A., Marzullo, B.J., Pohlman, A., Boccolucci, A., Nowak, N.J., Yergeau, D.A., Crooks, A.T. and Surtees, J. (2024), Genomic Profiling and Spatial SEIR Modeling of COVID-19 Transmission in Western New York, Frontiers in Microbiology, 15. Available at  (pdf)

Züfle, A., Pfoser, D., Wenk, C., Crooks, A.T., Kavak, H., Anderson, T., Kim, J-S., Holt, N. and Diantonio, A. (2024), In Silico Human Mobility Data Science: Leveraging Massive Simulated Mobility Data (Vision Paper), Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems, 10(2): 13. Available at (pdf).

Sasse, K., Mahabir, R., Gkountouna. O,. Crooks, A.T. and Croitoru, A. (2024), Understanding the Determinants of Vaccine Hesitancy in the United States: A Comparison of Social Surveys and Social Media, PLoS ONE, 19(6): e0301488. Available at:  (pdf)

Yin, F., Crooks, A.T. and Yin, L. (2024), How Information Propagation in Hybrid Spaces Affects Decision-making: Using ABM to Simulate Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake, International Journal of Geographical Information ScienceAvailable at: (pdf)

Choi, M., Crooks, A.T., Wan, N., Brewer, S., Cova, T.J. and Hohl, A. (2024), Addressing Equifinality in Agent-based Modeling: A Sequential Parameter Space Search Method Based on Sensitivity Analysis, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 38(6): 1007-1034. Available at: (pdf)

Chen, Q., Wang, B. and Crooks, A.T. (2024), Community Resilience to Wildfires: A Network Analysis Approach by Utilizing Human Mobility Data, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 110: 102110. (pdf)

Jiang, N., Crooks, A.T., Kavak, H. and Wang, W. (2024), Leveraging Newspapers to Understand Urban Issues: A Longitudinal Analysis of Urban Shrinkage in Detroit, Environment and Planning B, 51(5): 1089-1103. (pdf)

Ullah, K.M., Gbadebo G.A., and Crooks, A.T. (2023), Evaluating the Incentive for Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration from Carinata Production in the Southeast United States, Journal of Environmental Management, 348: 119418. Available at (pdf)

Chen Q, Croitoru A, and Crooks A.T. (2023), A Comparison between Online Social Media Discussions and Vaccination Rates: A Tale of Four Vaccines. DIGITAL HEALTH, 9: 1–16. doi: 10.1177/20552076231155682. (pdf

Züfle, A., Wenk, C., Pfoser, D., Crooks, A.T., Kavak, H., Kim, J-S. and Jin, H. (2023), Urban Life: A Model of People and Places, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 29: 20-51. (pdf)

Shapiro, B. and Crooks, A.T. (2023) Drone Strikes and Radicalization: An Exploration Utilizing Agent-Based Modeling and Data Applied to Pakistan, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 29: 415-433. (pdf)

Shoushtarian, F., Negahban-Azar, M. and Crooks A.T. (2022), Investigating the Micro-level Dynamics of Water Reuse Adoption by Farmers and the Impacts on Local Water Resources using an Agent-based Model, Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 4: 18148. Available at (pdf)

Yin, F., Crooks, A.T. and Yin, L. (2022), Information Propagation on Cyber, Relational and Physical Spaces about Covid-19 Vaccine: Using Social Media and the Splatial Framework, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 98, 01887.  Available at: (pdf)

Chen, Q. and Crooks, A.T. (2022), Analyzing the Vaccination Debate in Social Media Data Pre- and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 110: 102783. Available at (pdf)

Jiang, N., Crooks, A.T., Kavak, H., Burger, A. and Kennedy, W.G. (2022), A Method to Create a Synthetic Population with Social Networks for Geographically Explicit Agent-Based Models, Computational Urban Science, 2:7. Available at (pdf)
Kang, J-Y., Michels, A., Crooks, A.T., Aldstradt, J. and Wang, S. (2022), An Integrated Framework of Global Sensitivity Analysis and Calibration for Spatially Explicit Agent-Based Models, Transactions in GIS, 26(1): 100-128. (pdf)  
Hemmati, M., Hussam N., Ellingwood B.R. and Crooks, A.T. (2021), Unraveling the Complexity of Human Behavior and Urbanization on Community Vulnerability to Floods, Scientific Reports, 11, 20085. Available at:
Hemmati, M., Hussam N., Ellingwood B.R. and Crooks, A.T. (2021), Shaping Urbanization to Achieve Sustainable Communities Resilient to Floods, Environmental Research Letters, 16, 094033 (pdf)
Burger, A., Kennedy, W.G. and Crooks A.T. (2021), Organizing Theories for Disasters into a Complex Adaptive System Framework, Urban Science, 5(3), 61. Available at (pdf
Lee, J. and Crooks A.T. (2021), Youth and their Artificial Social Environmental Risk and Promotive Scores (Ya-TASERPS): An Agent-Based Model of Interactional Theory of Delinquency, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. 24 (4) 2. Available at: (pdf)
Yuan, X., Mahabir, R., Crooks, A.T. and Croitoru, A. (2021), Achieving Situational Awareness of Drug Cartels with Geolocated Social Media, GeoJournal. DOI: (pdf
Jiang, N., Crooks, A.T., Wang, W. and Xie, Y. (2021), Simulating Urban Shrinkage in Detroit via Agent-Based Modeling, Sustainability, 13, 2283. Available at (pdf)
Heppenstall, A., Crooks, A.T., Malleson, N., Manley, E., Ge, J. and Batty, M. (2021), Future Developments in Geographical Agent-Based Models: Challenges and Opportunities, Geographical Analysis. 53(1): 76-91.
Schuchard, R.J. and Crooks, A.T. (2021), Insights into Elections: An Ensemble Bot Detection Coverage Framework Applied to the 2018 U.S. Midterm Elections, PLoS ONE, 16(1): e0244309. Available at (pdf)
Yuan X., Crooks, A.T. and Züfle, A. (2020), A Thematic Similarity Network Approach for Analysis of Places Using Volunteered Geographic Information, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information,  9(6), 385. Available at (pdf)

Mahabir, R., Schuchard, R., Crooks, A.T., Croitoru, A. and Stefanidis, A. (2020), Crowdsourcing Street View Imagery: A Comparison of Mapillary and OpenStreetCam, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(6), 341. Available at (pdf)

Croitoru, A., Kien, S., Mahabir, R., Radzikowski, J., Crooks, A.T., Schuchard, R., Begay, T., Lee, A., Bettios, A. and Stefanidis, A. (2020), Responses to Mass Shooting Events: The Interplay Between the Media and the Public, Criminology and Public Policy, 19(2): 335-360. (pdf)

Lopez, B.E., Minor, E.S. and Crooks, A.T. (2020), Insights into Human-wildlife Interactions in Cities from Bird Sightings Recorded Online, Landscape and Urban Planning. 196: 103742. (pdf)

Mahabir, R., Agouris, P., Stefanidis, A., Croitoru, A. and Crooks, A.T. (2020), Detecting and Mapping Slums using Open Data: A Case Study in Kenya, International Journal of Digital Earth. 13(6): 683-707. (pdf)

Schuchard, R., Crooks, A.T., Croitoru, A. and Stefanidis, A. (2019), Bots Fired: Examining Social Bot Evidence in Online Mass Shooting Conversations, Palgrave Communications, 5: 158. Available at (pdf)

Yuan, X., Schuchard, R. and Crooks, A.T. (2019), Examining Emergent Communities and Detecting Social Bots within the Polarized Online Vaccination Debate in Twitter, Social Media + Society. Available at (pdf)

Schuchard, R., Crooks, A.T., Stefanidis, A. and Croitoru, A. (2019), Bot Stamina: Examining the Influence and Staying Power of Bots in Online Social Networks, Applied Network Science, 4: 55. Available at (pdf)

Lopez, B., Magliocca, N. and Crooks, A.T. (2019), Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media Data for Socio-environmental Systems Research, Land, 8(7), 107. Available at (pdf)

Burger, A., Oz, T., Kennedy, W.G. and Crooks, A.T. (2019), Computational Social Science of Disasters: Opportunities and Challenges, Future Internet, 11(5): 103. Available at (pdf)

Curry, T., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T. and Stefanidis, A. (2019), Exodus 2.0: Crowdsourcing Geographical and Social Trails of Mass Migration, Journal of Geographical Systems,  21 (1): 161-187.  (pdf)

Mahabir, R., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Agouris, P. and Stefanidis, A. (2018), News Coverage, Digital Activism, and Geographical Saliency: A Case Study of Refugee Camps and Volunteered Geographical Information, PLoS ONE, 13(11): e0206825.  DOI: (pdf)

Hailegiorgis, A.B., Crooks, A.T. and Cioffi-Revilla, C. (2018), An Agent-Based Model of Rural Households’ Adaptation to Climate Change, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 21 (4): 4. Available at

Zhang, R., Tian, Q., Jiang, L., Crooks, A.T., Qi, S. and Yang, R. (2018), Projecting Cropping Patterns around Poyang Lake and Prioritizing Areas for Policy Intervention to Promote Rice: A Cellular Automata Model, Land Use Policy, 74: 248-260. (pdf)

Mahabir, R., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Agouris, P. and Stefanidis, A. (2018), A Critical Review of High and Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Approaches for Detecting and Mapping Slums: Trends, Challenges and Emerging Opportunities, Urban Science, 2(1), 8; DOI:10.3390/urbansci2010008 (pdf)

Vraga, E., Stefanidis, A., Lamprianidis, G., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Delamater, P.L., Pfoser, D., Radzikowski, J. and Jacobsen, K.H. (2018), Cancer and Social Media: A Comparison of Traffic about Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, and Other Reproductive Cancers on Twitter and Instagram, Journal of Health Communication, 3(2), 181-189. (pdf)

Vraga, E. K., Radzikowski, J., Stefanidis, A., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Delamater, P., Pfoser, D. and Jacobsen, K. H. (2017). Social Media Engagement with Cancer Awareness Campaigns Declined During the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. World Medical and Health Policy, 9(4): 456–465. (pdf)

Stefanidis, A., Vraga, E., Lamprianidis, G., Radzikowski, J., Delamater, P.L., Jacobsen, K.H., Pfoser, D., Croitoru, A. and Crooks, A.T. (2017), Zika in Twitter: Temporal Variations of Locations, Actors, and Concepts, JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 3 (2): e22. (pdf)

Mahabir, R., Stefanidis, A., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T. and Agouris, P. (2017), Authoritative and Volunteered Geographical Information in a Developing Country: A Comparative Case Study of Road Datasets in Nairobi, Kenya, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information,  6(1): 24, DOI:10.3390/ijgi6010024. (pdf)

Pires, B. and Crooks, A.T. (2017), Modeling the Emergence of Riots: A Geosimulation Approach, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 61: 66-80. (pdf)

Alizadeh, M., Cioffi-Revilla, C. and Crooks, A.T. (2017), Generating and Analyzing Spatial Social Networks. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 23(3): 362-390. (pdf

Crooks, A.T., Croitoru, A., Jenkins, A., Mahabir, R., Agouris, P. and Stefanidis A. (2016), User-Generated Big Data and Urban Morphology,  Built Environment, 42 (3): 396-414. (pdf)

Mahabir, R., Crooks, A.T., Croitoru, A. and Agouris, P. (2016), The Study of Slums as Social and Physical Constructs: Challenges and Emerging Research Opportunities. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 3(1): 737-757. (pdf)

Jenkins, A., Croitoru, A. Crooks, A.T. and Stefanidis, A. (2016), Crowdsourcing A Collective Sense of Place, PLoS ONE, 11(4): e0152932. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152932 (pdf)

Stefanidis, A., Jenkins A., Croitoru, A. and Crooks, A.T. (2016), Megacities Through the Lens of Social Media”, Journal of the Homeland Defense & Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC), 3(1): 24-29. (pdf)

Jacobsen, K.H., Aguirre, A.A., Bailey, C.L., Baranova, A.V., Crooks, A.T., Croitoru, A., Delamater, P.L., Gupta, J., Kehn-Hall, K., Narayanan, A., Pierobon, M., Rowan K.E., Schwebach, J.R., Seshaiyer, P., Sklarew, D.M., Stefanidis, A. and Agouris, P. (2016), Lessons from the Ebola Outbreak: Action Items for Emerging Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response, EcoHealth, 13(1): 200-212 (pdf)

Heppenstall, A., Malleson, N. and Crooks A.T. (2016). “Space, the Final Frontier”: How Good are Agent-based Models at Simulating Individuals and Space in Cities?, Systems, 4(1): 9; doi: 10.3390/systems4010009 (pdf)

Radzikowski, J., Stefanidis, A., Jacobsen K.H., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T. and Delamater, P.L. (2016), The Measles Vaccination Narrative in Twitter: A Quantitative Analysis, JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 2(1): e1. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T., Croitoru, A., Lu, X., Wise, S., Irvine, J. and Stefanidis, A. (2015),  Walk this Way: Improving Pedestrian Agent-Based Models through Scene Activity AnalysisISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 4(3): 1627-1656. (pdf)

Croitoru, A., Wayant, N., Crooks, A.T., Radzikowski, J. and Stefanidis, A. (2015), Linking Cyber and Physical Spaces Through Community Detection And Clustering in Social Media Feeds, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 53: 47–64. (pdf)

Panteras, G., Wise, S., Lu, X., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T. and Stefanidis, A. (2015), Triangulating Social Multimedia Content for Event Localization using Flickr and Twitter, Transactions in GIS, 19(5): 694–715. (pdf)

Mullen W., Jackson, S.P., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Stefanidis, A. and Agouris, P. (2015), Assessing the Impact of Demographic Characteristics on Spatial Error in Volunteered Geographic Information Features, GeoJournal, 80(4): 587-605. (pdf)

Alizadeh, M., Cioffi-Revilla, C. and Crooks, A.T. (2015), The Effect of In-group Favoritism on the Collective Behavior of Individuals' Opinions, Advances in Complex Systems, 18 (1): 02. (pdf)

Malik, A.A., Crooks, A.T., Root, H.L. and Swartz, M. (2015), Exploring Creativity and Urban Development through Agent-Based Modeling, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. 18 (2): 12. Available at

Crooks, A.T., Pfoser, D., Jenkins, A., Croitoru, A., Stefanidis, A., Smith, D. A., Karagiorgou, S., Efentakis, A. and Lamprianidis, G. (2015), Crowdsourcing Urban Form and Function, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 29(5): 720-741. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. and Hailegiorgis, A.B. (2014), An Agent-based Modeling Approach Applied to the Spread of Cholera, Environmental Modelling and Software, 62: 164-177 (pdf)

Patel, A., Koizumi, N. and Crooks, A.T. (2014), Measuring Slum Severity in Mumbai and Kolkata: A Household-based Approach, Habitat International, 41: 300-306. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T., Masad, D., Croitoru, A., Cotnoir, A., Stefanidis, A. and Radzikowski, J. (2014), International Relations: State-Driven and Citizen-Driven Networks, Social Science Computer Review, 32(2): 205-220. (pdf)

Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Radzikowski, J. and Stefanidis, A. (2013), GeoSocial Gauge: A System Prototype for Knowledge Discovery from Social Media, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 27 (12): 2483-2508. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. and Wise, S. (2013), GIS and Agent-Based models for Humanitarian Assistance, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 41: 100-111. (pdf)

Jackson, S. P., Mullen W., Agouris, P., Crooks, A. T., Croitoru, A. and Stefanidis, A. (2013), Assessing Completeness and Spatial Error of Features in Volunteered Geographic Information, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2 (2): 507-530. (pdf)

Stefanidis, A., Cotnoir, A., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Radzikowski, J. and Rice, M. (2013), Demarcating New Boundaries: Mapping Virtual Polycentric Communities through Social Media Content, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 40(2): 116-129. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T., Croitoru, A., Stefanidis, A. and Radzikowski, J. (2013), #Earthquake: Twitter as a Distributed Sensor System, Transactions in GIS, 17(1): 124-147. (pdf)

Stefanidis, T., Crooks, A.T. and Radzikowski, J. (2013), Harvesting Ambient Geospatial Information from Social Media Feeds, GeoJournal 78, (2): 319-338. (pdf)

Wise, S. and Crooks, A.T. (2012), Agent Based Modelling and GIS for Community Resource Management: Acequia-based Agriculture, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 36(6): 562-572. (pdf)

Patel, A., Crooks, A.T. and Koizumi, N. (2012), Slumulation: an Agent-based Modeling Approach to Slum Formations, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 15 (4): 12. Available at

Crooks, A.T. (2010), Constructing and Implementing an Agent-Based Model of Residential Segregation through Vector GIS, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 24(5): 661-675. (pdf)

Batty, M., Hudson-Smith, A., Milton, R. and Crooks, A. T. (2010), Map MashUps, Web 2.0 and the GIS Revolution, Annals of GIS, 16(1): 1-13. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T., Hudson-Smith, A., and Dearden, J. (2009), Agent Street: An Environment for Exploring Agent-Based Models in Second Life, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 12 (4): 10. Available at

Hudson-Smith, A., Crooks, A.T., Gibin, M., Milton, R., and Batty, M. (2009), Neogeography and Web 2.0: Concepts, Tools and Applications, Journal of Location Based Services, 3(2) 118 - 145. (pdf)

Masucci, A. P., Smith, D., Crooks, A.T. and Batty, M. (2009) Random Planar Graphs and the London Street Network, The European Physical Journal B, 71 (2): 259-271. (pdf)

Hudson-Smith, A., Batty, M., Crooks, A.T., and Milton R. (2009), Mapping Tools for the Masses: Web 2.0 and Crowdsourcing, Social Science Computer Review, 27 (4): 524-538. (pdf)

Hudson-Smith, A. and Crooks, A. T. (2008), Building Space in the Machine: Digital Tool Kits for Mirror Worlds, AGORA: Dutch Journal for Social-Spatial Questions, 2008(4): 27-29. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T., Castle, C. J. E., and Batty, M. (2008), Key Challenges in Agent-Based Modelling for Geo-spatial Simulation, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 32(6): 417-430. (pdf)


Crooks, A.T., Malleson, N., Manley, E. and Heppenstall, A.J. (2019), Agent-based Modelling and Geographical Information Systems: A Practical Primer, Sage, London, UK.

Edited Book

Heppenstall, A., Crooks, A. T., See, L.M., and Batty, M. (eds.)(2012) Agent-based Models of Geographical Systems. Springer, New York, NY.

Editorials and Commentaries

Crooks, A.T., Jiang, N., See, L. Alvanides, S., Arribas-Bel. D., Wolf, L.J.  and Batty, M. (2024), EPB Turns 50 Years Old: An Analytical Tour of the Last Five Decades, Environment and Planning B, 51(5): 1028-1037. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. (2024), Environment and Planning B: Its Shaping of Urban Modeling and Me, Environment and Planning B, 51(5) 1020-1022. (pdf)

Crooks A.T. and Chen, Q (2024), Exploring the New Frontier of Information Extraction through Large Language Models in Urban Analytics, Environment and Planning B, 51(3) 565-569. (pdf)

Yao, X.A, Crooks, A.T., Jiang, B., Krisp, J., Liu, X. and Huang, H. (2023), An Overview of Urban Analytical Approaches to Combating the Covid-19 Pandemic, Environment and Planning B, 50(5): 1133–1143. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. and See, L. (2022), Leveraging Street Level Imagery for Urban Planning, Environment and Planning B, 49(3): 773-776. (pdf)
Arribas-Bel, D., Alvanides, S., Batty, M., Crooks, A.T., See, L. and Wolf, L. (2021), Urban Data/code: A New EP-B Section, Environment and Planning B, 48(9): 2517–2519. (pdf)
Heppenstall, A. and Crooks, A.T. (2019), Guest Editorial for Spatial Agent-based Models: Current Practices and Future Trends, GeoInfomatica, 23(2): 243-268. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T., Schechtner, K., Day, A.K and Hudson-Smith, A (2017) Creating Smart Buildings and Cities, IEEE Pervasive Computing, 16 (2): 23-25. (pdf)

Book Chapters

Crooks, A.T. and Jiang, N. (2024), Agent-based Models and Geography, in Warf, B., The Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. (2024), Michael Batty, in Gilmartin, M., Hubbard, P., Kitchin, R. and Roberts, S. (eds.), Key Thinkers on Space and Place (3rd edition), Sage, London, UK. pp. 37-43. (pdf)

Heppenstall, A., Crooks, A.T., Manley, E. and Malleson, N. (2022) Simulating Geographical Systems using Cellular Automata and Agent-based Models, in Rey S. and Franklin, R. (eds.), Handbook of Spatial Analysis in the Social Sciences, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 142-157. (pdf)
Crooks, A.T., Heppenstall, A., Malleson, N. and Manley, E. (2021), Agent-Based Modeling and the City: A Gallery of Applications, in Shi, W., Goodchild, M., Batty, M., Kwan, M.-P., Zhang, A. (eds.), Urban Informatics, Springer, New York, NY, pp. 885-910. (pdf)
Crooks, A.T., Heppenstall, A. and Malleson, N. (2018), Agent-based Modelling, in Huang, B. (ed), Comprehensive Geographic Information Systems, Elsevier, Oxford, England. Volume 1, pp. 218-243 DOI: (pdf)

Malleson, N., Heppenstall, A. and Crooks, A.T. (2018). Place-Based Simulation Modelling: Agent-Based Modelling and Virtual Environments, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190264079.013.319 (pdf)

Crooks, A.T., Malleson, N., Wise, S. and Heppenstall, A. (2018), Big Data, Agents and the City, in Schintler, L.A. and Chen, Z. (eds.), Big Data for Urban and Regional Science, Routledge, New York, NY, pp. 204-213. (pdf)

Patel, A., Crooks, A.T. and Koizumi, N. (2018), Spatial Agent-based Modeling to Explore Slum Formation Dynamics in Ahmedabad, India, in Thill J.C. and Drajicavic, S. (eds.), Geocomputational Analysis and Modeling of Regional Systems, Springer, New York, NY, pp 121-141. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. (2017), Cellular Automata, in Richardson, D., Castree, N., Goodchild, M. F., Kobayashi, A. L., Liu, W. and Marston, R.  (eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, Wiley Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0578. (pdf)

Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Radzikowski, J. and Stefanidis, A. (2017), Geovisualization of Social Media, in Richardson, D., Castree, N., Goodchild, M. F., Kobayashi, A. L., Liu, W. and Marston, R.  (eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, Wiley Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0605. (pdf)

Wise, S., Crooks, A.T. and Batty, M. (2017). Transportation in Agent-Based Urban Modelling, in Namazi-Rad, M., Padgham, L., Perez, P., Nagel, K. and Bazzan, A. (eds), Agent Based Modelling of Urban Systems, Springer, New York, NY, pp. 129-148. (pdf)

Heppenstall, A. and Crooks, A.T. (2016). Agent-based Modelling in Geographical Systems, AccessScience, McGraw-Hill Education, Columbus, OH. DOI: (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. (2015), Agent-based Models and Geographical Information Systems, in Brunsdon, C. and Singleton, A. (eds.), Geocomputation: A Practical Primer, Sage, London, UK, pp. 63-77. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T., Hudson-Smith, A., Croitoru, A. and Stefanidis, A. (2014), The Evolving GeoWeb, in Abrahart R. J. and See, L. M. (eds.), Geocomputation (Second Edition), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 69-96. (pdf)

Stefanidis, A., Crooks, A.T., Radzikowski, J., Croitoru, A. and Rice, M. (2014), Social Media and the Emergence of Open-Source Geospatial Intelligence, in Murdock, D.G., Tomes, R. and Tucker, C. (eds.), Human Geography: Socio-Cultural Dynamics and Global Security, US Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF), Herndon, VA, pp. 109-123. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T., Patel, A. and Wise, S. (2014), Multi-agent Systems for Urban Planning, in Pinto, N.N., Tenedório, J. Antunes A. P. and Roca, J. (eds.), Technologies for Urban and Spatial Planning: Virtual Cities and Territories, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 29-56. (pdf

Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Radzikowski, J., Stefanidis, A., Vatsavai, R. R. and Wayant, N. (2014), Geoinformatics and Social Media: A New Big Data Challenge, in Karimi, H. (ed.), Big Data Techniques and Technologies in Geoinformatics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 207-232. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2012), The Use of Agent-Based Modelling for Studying the Social and Physical Environment of Cities, in De Roo, G, Hiller, J. and Van Wezemael, J. (eds.), Complexity and Planning: Systems, Assemblages and Simulations, Ashgate, Burlington, VT, pp. 385-408. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. and Castle, C. (2012), The Integration of Agent-Based Modelling and Geographical Information for Geospatial Simulation, in Heppenstall, A.J., Crooks, A.T., See, L.M. and Batty, M. (eds.), Agent-based Models of Geographical Systems, Springer, New York, NY, pp. 219-252.(pdf)

Crooks, A.T. and Heppenstall, A.J. (2012), Introduction to Agent-based Modelling, in Heppenstall, A.J., Crooks, A.T., See, L.M. and Batty, M. (eds.), Agent-based Models of Geographical Systems, Springer, New York, NY, pp. 85-108. (pdf)

Batty, M., Crooks, A. T., See, L. M. and Heppenstall, A. J. (2012), Perspectives on Agent-Based Models and Geographical Systems, in Heppenstall, A.J., Crooks, A.T., See, L.M. and Batty, M. (eds.), Agent-based Models of Geographical Systems, Springer, New York, NY, pp. 1-18. (pdf)

Heppenstall, A.J., Crooks, A.T., See, L.M. and Batty, M. (2012), Reflections and Conclusions: Geographical Models to Address Grand Challenges, in Heppenstall, A.J., Crooks, A.T., See, L.M. and Batty, M. (eds.), Agent-based Models of Geographical Systems, Springer, New York, NY, pp. 739-748. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T., Hudson-Smith, A. and Patel, A. (2011), Advances and Techniques for Building 3D Agent-Based Models for Urban Systems, in Marceau D. and Benenson, I. (eds.), Advanced Geosimulation Models, Bentham Science Publishers, Hilversum, The Netherlands, pp 49-65.(pdf)

Hudson-Smith, A., Batty, M., Crooks, A. T., and Milton R. (2010) Neogeography and the Power of the Crowd: Networks and Map Hacks, in Madhuri, V. (ed.) User Generated Content: Regulatory Dimensions, Amicus Books, Hyderabad, India, pp 122-147. (pdf)

Castle, C. J. E., Crooks, A. T., de Smith, M. J., Goodchild, M. F., and Longley, P. A. (2009), Geocomputational Methods and Modelling, in de Smith, M. J., Goodchild, M. F., and Longley, P. A. (eds.), Geospatial Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide to Principles, Techniques and Software Tools (3rd Edition), The Winchelsea Press, Winchelsea, UK pp 445-519. (web version)

Hudson-Smith, A. and Crooks, A. T. (2009), The Renaissance of Geographic Information: Neogeography, Gaming and Second Life, in Lin, H. and Batty, M. (eds.), Virtual Geographic Environments, Science Press, Beijing, PRC, pp 25-36. Reprinted by ESRI Press 2011. (pdf)

Castle, C. J. E., Crooks, A. T., de Smith, M. J., Goodchild, M. F., and Longley, P. A. (2007), Geocomputational Methods and Modelling, in de Smith, M. J., Goodchild, M. F., and Longley, P. A. (eds.), Geospatial Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide to Principles, Techniques and Software Tools (2nd Edition), The Winchelsea Press, Winchelsea, UK, pp 383-450.

Book Reviews

Crooks, A.T. (2016), Crooks on Seto and Reenberg (eds.): Rethinking Global Land Use in an Urban Era, Journal of Regional Science, 56 (4): 723-725. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. (2013), Crooks on Steinitz: A Framework for Geodesign: Changing Geography by Design, Environment and Planning B, 40 (6): 1122-1124. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. (2012), Crooks on Koch and Mandl (eds.): Modeling and Simulating Urban Processes, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 14(4). Available at:

Crooks, A. T. (2010), Crooks on Albeverio, Andrey, Giordano and Vancheri (eds.): The Dynamics of Complex Urban Systems: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 3(1): 75-7. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2009), Crooks on Foth: Handbook of Research on Urban Informatics: The Practice and Promise of the Real-Time City, Environment and Planning B, 36 (5): 946-947. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2008), Crooks on North, Macal: Managing Business Complexity: Discovering Strategic Solutions with Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation, Crooks on Rennard (ed.): Handbook of Research on Nature-Inspired Computing for Economics and Management, Environment and Planning B, 35(6): 1117-1132. (pdf)

Reviewed Conference Papers

Amiri, H., Kohn, W., Ruan, S., Kim, J-S., Kavak, H., Crooks, A.T., Pfoser, D., Wenk, C. and Zufle, A. (2024) The Pattern of Life Human Mobility Simulation (Demo Paper), ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Atlanta, GA. (pdf)

Jiang N. and Crooks, A.T. (2024), Studying Contagious Disease Spread Utilizing Synthetic Populations Inspired by COVID-19: An Agent-based Modeling Framework, Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geospatial Simulation (GeoSim 2024), Atlanta, GA., pp. 29-32. (pdf)

Yin, F., Jiang, Na., Crooks, A.T., Laurian, L. (2024), Agent-based Modeling of Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake in New York State: Information Diffusion in Hybrid Spaces, Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geospatial Simulation (GeoSim 2024), Atlanta, GA., pp. 11-20. (pdf)

Stine, A.A. and Crooks, A.T. (2024), Retention in Higher Education: An Agent-Based Model of Social Interactions and Motivated Agent Behavior, Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference of the Computational Social Science Society of the Americas, Santa Fe, NM. (pdf)

Amiri, H., Ruan, S., Kim, J., Jin, H., Kavak, H., Crooks, A.T., Pfoser, D., Wenk, C. and Züfle, A. (2023), Massive Trajectory Data Generation using a Patterns of Life Simulation, Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Hamburg, Germany. (pdf)

Gallagher, K., Anderson, T., Crooks, A.T. and Züfle, A. (2023), Synthetic Geosocial Network Data Generation, Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Location-based Recommendations, Geosocial Networks and Geoadvertising (LocalRec 2023), Hamburg, Germany. (pdf)

Jiang, N., Crooks, A.T., Yin, F. and Wang B. (2023), Geographically-Explicit Synthetic Populations for Agent-based Models: A Gallery of Applications, in Yang, Z. and Krejci C. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2023 Conference of The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas, Santa Fe, NM. pp 158- 172. (pdf)

Wang, B. and Crooks, A.T. (2023), Agent-Based Modeling of Consumer Choice by Utilizing Crowdsourced Data and Deep Learning, in Beecham, R., Long, J.A., Smith, D., Zhao, Q., and Wise, S (eds), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2023), Dagstuhl Publishing, Dagstuhl, Germany., pp. 81:1-81:6. (pdf)
Rana, R., Patel, R., Luke, S., Domeniconi, C., Kavak, H., Jones, J. and Crooks, A.T. (2023), Simulation And Optimization Techniques for the Mitigation of Disruptions to Supply Chains, Proceedings of the Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), Hamilton, ON.,  pp. 134-145. (pdf)

Malikov, M., Aloraini, F., Crooks, A.T., Kavak, H. and Kennedy, W.G. (2023), Developing a Large-Scale Agent-Based Model Using the Spiral Software Development Process, Proceedings of the Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), Hamilton, ON., pp. 282-293. (pdf)
Curry, T., Croitoru, A. and Crooks, A.T. (2023), Modeling Forced Migration: A System Dynamic Approach, Proceedings of the Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), Hamilton, ON., pp. 110-121. (pdf)
Wang, B., Hess, V. and Crooks A.T. (2022), Mesa-Geo: A GIS Extension for the Mesa Agent-Based Modeling Framework in Python, Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geospatial Simulation (GeoSim 2022), Seattle, WA., pp 1-10. (pdf)
Ullah, K. and Crooks A.T., (2022), Modelling Farmers’ Adoption Potential to New Bioenergy Crops: An Agent-based Approach, In: Yang, Z., Núñez-Corrales, S. (eds) Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas, Santa Fe, NM., pp 63–75.  (pdf)
Rana, R., Kavak, H., Crooks, A.T., Domeniconi, C., Luke, S. and Jones, J. (2022), Mitigation of Optimized Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Disruptions by Criminal Agents, in Thomson, R., Dancy, C. and Pyke, P. (eds), Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, Pittsburgh, PA., pp 13-23. (pdf)
Hemmati, M., Ellingwood, B.R., Mahmoud, H. and Crooks, A.T. (2022), Life-Cycle Risk-Informed Decisions for Future Community Development in Regions Prone to Riverine Flooding, ICOSSAR 2022: 13th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Shanghai, China. (pdf)
Chen, Q and Crooks, A.T. (2021). Delineating a ‘15-Minute City’: An Agent-based Modeling Approach to Estimate the Size of Local Communities. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geospatial Simulation (GeoSim 2021), November 2, 2021, Beijing, China, pp 29-37.  (pdf
Jiang, N., Crooks, A.T., Kennedy, W.G., and Kavak, H. (2021), Generation of Reusable Synthetic Population And Social Networks for Agent-Based Modeling, 2021 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), Online. (pdf)
Shapiro, B. and Crooks, A.T. (2021), Kinetic Action and Radicalization: A Case Study of Pakistan, in Thomson, R., Hussain, M.N., Dancy, C.L. and Pyke, A. (eds), Proceedings of 2021 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, Washington DC., pp 321-330. (pdf)
Manzoor, U., Kavak, H., Kim, J-S., Crooks, A.T., Pfoser, D., Zufle, A. and Wenk, C. (2021), Towards Large-Scale Agent-Based Geospatial Simulation, 2021 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, Washington DC. (pdf)
Jiang, N., Burger, A., Crooks, A.T. and Kennedy, W.G. (2020), Integrating Social Networks into Large-scale Urban Simulations for Disaster Responses. Geosim ’20: 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoSpatial Simulation, Seattle, WA. (pdf)
Brearcliffe, D.K. and Crooks, A.T. (2020), Creating Intelligent Agents: Combining Agent-Based Modeling with Machine Learning, The 2020 Computational Social Science Society of Americas Conference, Online. (pdf)
Oz, T. and Crooks, A.T. (2020), Exploring the Impact of Mandatory Remote Work during the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, Washington DC. (pdf)
Cummings, P. and Crooks, A.T. (2020), Development of a Hybrid Machine Learning Agent Based Model for Optimization and Interpretability, in Thomson, R., Bisgin, H., Dancy, C., Hyder, A. and Hussain, M. (eds), 2020 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, Washington DC., pp 151-160. (pdf)
Swartz, M., Crooks, A.T. and Croitoru, A. (2020), Beyond Words: Comparing Structure, Emoji Use, and Consistency Across Social Media Posts, in Thomson, R., Bisgin, H., Dancy, C., Hyder, A. and Hussain, M. (eds), 2020 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, Washington DC., pp 1-11. (pdf)
Iasiello, C., Crooks, A.T. and Wittman, S. (2020), The Human Resource Management Parameter Experimentation Tool, in Thomson, R., Bisgin, H., Dancy, C., Hyder, A. and Hussain, M. (eds), 2020 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, Washington DC., pp. 298-307. (pdf)
Kazil, J., Masad, D. and Crooks, A.T. (2020), Utilizing Python for Agent-based Modeling: The Mesa Framework, in Thomson, R., Bisgin, H., Dancy, C., Hyder, A. and Hussain, M. (eds), 2020 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, Washington DC., pp. 308-317. (pdf)
Swartz, M., Crooks, A.T. and Kennedy, W.G. (2020), Diversity from Emojis and Keywords in Social Media, in Gruzd, A., Mai, P., Recuero, R., Hernández-García, A., Lee, C.S., Cook, J., Hodson, J., McEwan, B and Hopke, J. (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Social Media and Society, Toronto, Canada, pp 92-100. (pdf)

Kim, J-S., Jin, H., Kavak, H., Rouly, O.C., Crooks, A.T., Pfoser, D., Wenk, C. and Züfle, A. (2020), Location-Based Social Network Data Generation Based on Patterns of Life, The 21st IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, Versailles, France. (pdf)

Jiang, N. and Crooks, A.T. (2020), Utilizing Agents to Explore Urban Shrinkage: A Case Study of Detroit, 2020 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim’20), Fairfax, VA. (pdf)

Sibley, C. and Crooks, A.T. (2020), Exploring the Effects of Link Recommendations on Social Networks: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach, Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim’20), Fairfax, VA. (pdf)

Swartz, M. and Crooks, A.T. (2020), Comparison of Emoji Use in Names, Profiles, and Tweets, The Eighth IEEE International Workshop on Semantic Computing for Social Networks and Organization Sciences: From User Information to Social Knowledge, San Diego, CA. (pdf)

McEligot, K. Brouse, P.  and Crooks A.T. (2019), Sea Bright, New Jersey Reconstructed: Agent-Based Protection Theory Model Responses to Hurricane Sandy, in Mustafee, N., Bae, K.-H.G., Lazarova-Molnar, S., Rabe, M., Szabo, C., Haas, P. and Son, Y-J. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2019 Winter Simulation Conference, National Harbor, MD, pp 251-262 (pdf)

Kim, J-S., Kavak, H., Manzoor, U., Crooks, A.T., Pfoser, D., Wenk C. and Züfle, A (2019), Simulating Urban Patterns of Life: A Geo-Social Data Generation Framework, in Banaei-Kashani, F., Trajcevski, G., Güting, R.H., Kulik, L. and Newsam, S. (eds.), Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2019), Chicago, IL. (pdf)

Yuan X. and Crooks A.T. (2019), Assessing the Placeness of Locations through User-contributed Content, in Gao, S., Newsam, S., Zhao, L., Lunga, D., Hu, Y., Martins, B., Zhou, X. and Chen, F. (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on AI for Geographic Knowledge Discovery (GeoAI), Chicago, IL, pp. 15-23. (pdf)

Bagheri-Jebelli, N., Crooks, A.T. and Kennedy, W.G. (2019), Capturing the Effects of Gentrification on Property Values: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach, In Yang, Z. and von Briesen E. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference of The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas, Santa Fe, NM, Springer, pp. 245 -264.(pdf)

Burger, A., Kennedy, W.G., Crooks, A.T., Jiang, N. and Guillen-Piazza, D. (2019), Modeling Social Networks in an Agent-Based Model of a Nuclear Weapon of Mass Destruction Event, The 2019 Computational Social Science Society of Americas Conference, Santa Fe, NM. (pdf)

Bates, C.T., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T. and Harclerode, E. (2019), The Impact of Message Quality on Entity Location and Identification Performance in Distributed Situational Awareness, Proceedings of the SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, CA. Paper 11137-64 (pdf)

Kavak, H., Kim, J-S., Crooks, A.T., Pfoser, D., Wenk C. and Züfle, A (2019), Location-Based Social Simulation, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases, Vienna, Austria, pp 218-221. (pdf)

Burger, A., Kennedy, W.G., Crooks, A.T., Jiang, N. and Guillen-Piazza, D. (2019), Modeling Society Reacting to a Nuclear Weapon of Mass Destruction Event, 2019 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, Washington DC. (pdf)

Oldham, M and Crooks, A.T. (2019), Drafting Agent-Based Modeling into Basketball Analytics, 2019 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim’19), Tucson, AZ. (pdf)

Schuchard, R., Crooks, A.T., Stefanidis, A.  and Croitoru, A. (2018), Bots in Nets: Empirical Comparative Analysis of Bot Evidence in Social Networks, in Aiello, L.M., Cherifi, C. Cherifi, H., Lambiotte, R., Lió, P. and Rocha, L.M. (eds.), Volume 2, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Springer, pp 424-436. (pdf)

Wang, H., Wei, E., Simon, R., Luke, S., Crooks, A.T., Freelan, D. and Spagnuolo, C.  (2018), Scalability in the MASON multi-agent simulation system, in Besada, E., Polo, Ó.R., De Grande, R. and Risco J.L (eds.). Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, Madrid, Spain, pp. 135-144. (pdf)

Yuan, X. and Crooks, A.T. (2018), Examining Online Vaccination Discussion and Communities in Twitter, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Social Media and Society, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp.197-206. (pdf)

Luke, S., Simon, R., Crooks, A.T., Wang, H., Wei, E., Freelan, D., Spagnuolo, C., Scarano, V., Cordasco, G. and Cioffi-Revilla, C. (2018), The MASON Simulation Toolkit: Past, Present, and Future, in Davidsson P. and Verhagen H. (eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 75-87. (pdf)

Burger, A., Oz, T., Crooks, A.T. and Kennedy, W.G. (2017), Generation of Realistic Mega-City Populations and Social Networks for Agent-Based Modeling. The Computational Social Science Society of Americas Conference, Santa Fe, NM. (pdf)

Schmid, K. A. Zufle, A., Pfoser, D., Crooks, A.T., Croitoru, A. and Stefanidis, A. (2017), Predicting the Evolution of Narratives in Social Media, in Gertz, M., Renz, M., Zhou, X., Hoel, E., Ku, W.-S., Voisard, A., Zhang, C., Chen, H., Tang, L., Huang, Y., Lu, C.-T. and Ravada, S. (eds.) Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases, Springer, New York, NY., pp. 388-392 (pdf)

Yuan, X. and Crooks, A.T. (2017), From Cyber Space Opinion Leaders and the Spread of Anti-Vaccine Extremism to Physical Space Disease Outbreaks, in Lee, D., Lin, Y., Osgood, N. and Thomson, R. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, Springer, New York, NY., pp. 114-119. (pdf).

Briggs, T. and Crooks, A.T. (2016), Close, But Not Close Enough: A Spatial Agent-Based Model of Manager-Subordinate Proximity. The Computational Social Science Society of Americas Conference, Santa Fe, NM. (pdf)

Panteras, G., Lu, X., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T. and Stefanidis, A. (2016), Accuracy Of User-Contributed Image Tagging In Flickr:  A Natural Disaster Case Study, in Gruzd, A., Jacobson, J., Mai, P.,  Ruppert, E. and Murthy, D. (eds), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Social Media and Society, London, UK. (pdf)

Pires, B. and Crooks, A.T. (2016), The Geography of Conflict Diamonds: The Case of Sierra Leone, in Xu, K. S., Reitter, D., Lee, D. and Osgood, N. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, and Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, Washington, DC, pp. 335-345. (pdf

Crooks, A.T. and Hailegiorgis, A. (2013), Disease Modeling Within Refugee Camps: A Multi-agent Systems Approach, in Pasupathy, R., Kim, S.-H., Tolk, A., Hill, R. and Kuhl, M. E. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, DC, pp 1697-1706. (pdf)

Lu, X., Croitoru, A., Radzikowski, J, Crooks, A. T. and Stefanidis, A. (2013), Comparing the Spatial Characteristics of Corresponding Cyber and Physical Communities: A Case Study, 6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Location-Based Social Networks, Orlando, FL, pp 11-14. (pdf)

Patel, A., Crooks, A. T. and Koizumi, N. (2012), Simulating Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Slum Formation in Ahmedabad, India. 6th Urban Research and Knowledge Symposium - Rethinking Cities: Framing the Future, Barcelona, Spain. (pdf)

Latek, M. M., Mussavi Rizi, S. M., Crooks, A. T. and Fraser, M. (2012), A Spatial Multiagent Model of Border Security for the Arizona-Sonora Borderland. The Computational Social Science Society of America Conference, Santa Fe, NM. (pdf)

Hailegiorgis, A. and Crooks, A.T. (2012), Agent-based Modeling for Humanitarian Issues: Disease and Refugee Camps. The Computational Social Science Society of America Conference, Santa Fe, NM. (pdf)

Wayant, N., Crooks, A.T., Stefanidis, A., Croitoru, A., Radzikowski, J., Stahl, J. and Shine, J. (2012), Spatiotemporal Clustering of Social Media Feeds for Activity Summarization, GI Science (7th International Conference for Geographical Information Science), Columbus, OH. (pdf)

Latek, M. M., Mussavi Rizi, S. M., Crooks, A. T. and Fraser, M. (2012), Social Simulations for Border Security, Workshop on Innovation in Border Control 2012, Co-located with the European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC 2012), Odense, Denmark, pp 340-345. (pdf)

Croitoru, A., Stefanidis, A., Radzikowski, J., Crooks, A. T., Stahl, J. and Wayant, N. (2012), Towards a Collaborative GeoSocial Analysis Workbench. COM-Geo, Washington, DC. (pdf)

Gulden, T., Cotla, C. R., Hailegiorgis, A. and Crooks, A.T. (2011), A Generic Vegetation Growth Sub-model in a Large Human/Environment Interaction Model of East Africa. The Computational Social Science Society of America Conference (2011), Santa Fe, NM. (pdf)

Gulden, T., Harrison, J. F. and Crooks, A.T. (2011), Modeling Cities and Displacement through an Agent-based Spatial Interaction Model. The Computational Social Science Society of America Conference (2011), Santa Fe, NM. (pdf)

Wise, S. and Crooks, A. T. (2011), Agent Based Modelling and GIS for Community Resource Management: Acequia-based Agriculture, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Geocomputation, University College London, London, England, pp 388-394. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. and Wise, S. (2011), Modelling the Humanitarian Relief through Crowdsourcing, Volunteered Geographical Information and Agent-based Modelling: A test Case - Haiti, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Geocomputation, University College London, London, England, pp 183-187. (pdf)

Pint, B., Crooks, A. T., and Geller, A. (2010), Exploring the Emergence of Organized Crime in Rio de Janeiro: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach. 2nd Brazilian Workshop on Social Simulation, Sao Bernardo do Campo, Brazil, pp. 7-14. (pdf)

Rouly, O. V. and Crooks, A. T. (2010), A Prototype, Multi-agent System for the Study of the Peopling of the Western Hemisphere, in Ernst, A. and Kuhn, S. (eds) Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Social Simulation (WCSS2010): Scientific Advances in Understanding Societal Processes and Dynamics, Kassel, Germany. (pdf)

Hudson-Smith, A., M., Milton, R., Crooks, A. T. and Batty, M. (2009), Crowd Sourced Data for the Social Sciences: Web Based Services and Real-Time Geographic Surveys. 5th International Conference on e-Social Science, Cologne, Germany. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T., Hudson-Smith, A., M., Milton, R., and Batty, M. (2009), Crowdsourcing Spatial Surveys and Mapping, in Fairbairn, D. (ed.), Proceedings of the 17th Geographical Information Systems Research UK Conference, Durham University, England, pp 263-269. (pdf)

Slingsby, A., Dykes, J., Wood, J. and Crooks, A.T. (2009), The Role of Layout and Order in Treemaps for Showing Spatial and Temporal Variation in House Prices. GeoViz, Hamburg Germany. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T., Smith, D. A., and Theseira, M. (2008), The Fine Scale Spatial Dynamics of the Greater London Housing Market, in Lambrick, D. (ed.), Proceedings of the 16th Geographical Information Systems Research UK Conference, UNIGIS, Manchester Metropolitan University, England, pp. 117-124. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T., Castle, C. J. E., and Batty, M. (2007), Key Challenges in Agent-Based Modelling for Geo-spatial Simulation, in Demšar, U (ed.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Geocomputation, National Centre for Geocomputation, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2006), Exploring Cities Using Agent-Based Models and GIS, , in Sallach, D., Macal, C.M. and North, M.J. (eds.), Proceedings of the Agent 2006 Conference on Social Agents: Results and Prospects, University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, IL, pp. 125-132. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2006), Experimenting with Cities Using Agent Based Models, in Priestnall, G., and Aplin, P. (eds.), Proceedings of the 14th Geographical Information Systems Research UK Conference, The University of Nottingham, England, pp. 240-243. (pdf)

Castle, C. J. E., Crooks, A. T., Longley, P.A., and Batty, M. (2006), Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation using Repast: A Gallery of GIS Applications from CASA, in Priestnall, G., and Aplin, P. (eds.), Proceedings of the 14th Geographical Information Systems Research UK Conference, The University of Nottingham, England, pp. 237-239. (pdf)

Theseira, M. and Crooks, A. T. (2005), The Relationship between Population, Employment and Accessibility in London, in Billen, R., Drummond, J., Forrest, D., and Joao, E. (eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Geographical Information Systems Research UK Conference, University of Glasgow, Scotland, pp. 169-174. (pdf)

Working Papers and Technical Reports

Domeniconi, C., Rana, A., Patel, R., Jones, J., Kavak, H., Luke, S., Menkov, V., Roberts, F., Baveja, A., Chen, W., Egan, D., Goswami, A., Lei, R., Marsh, P., Melamed, B., Narayan, V. and Crooks, A.T. (2023), Detecting Criminal Disruption of Supply Chains Study: Report: General Methodology and Tools, The Command, Control and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis (CCICADA), Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ. (pdf)

Kennedy, W.G., Crooks, A.T., Burger, A., Oz, T., Yuan, X. and Jiang, N. (2021), Modeling Society Following a Nuclear Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) Event: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach, Final report of basic research sponsored by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), Center for Social Complexity, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. (pdf)
Kim, J-S., Kavak, H., Rouly, C.O., Jin, H., Crooks, A.T., Pfoser, D., Wenk, C. and Zufle, A. (2020), Location-Based Social Simulation for Prescriptive Analytics of Disease Spread, SIGSPATIAL Special, 12(1): 53-61. (pdf)

Kim, J-S., Kavak, H., Pfoser, D., Crooks, A.T., Wenk, C. and Wise, S. (2019), GeoSim 2019 Workshop Report: The 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geospatial Simulation, SIGSPATIAL Special, 11(3): 20-22. (pdf)

Heppenstall, A., Crooks, A.T., Malleson, N., Manley, E., Ge J. and Batty, M. (2019), Agent-Based Models for Geographical Systems: A Review. Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 214, London, England. (pdf)

Kim, J. S., Kavak, H., Züfle, A., Crooks, A.T., Manzoor, U. and Torrens, P. M. (2019). GeoSim 2018 workshop report the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geospatial Simulation. SIGSPATIAL Special, 10(3): 28-29. (pdf)

Kim, J-S., Kavak, H. and Crooks A.T. (2018), Procedural City Generation Beyond Game Development, SIGSPATIAL Special, 10(2), 34-41. DOI: 10.1145/3292390.3292397 (pdf)

Parrett, C.M., Crooks, A.T. and Pike, T. (2018), The Future of GEOINT: Data Science Will Not Be Enough. The State and Future of GEOINT 2018 Report, The United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation, Herndon, VA. pp 12-15. (pdf)

Malik, A.A., Crooks, A.T. and Root, H.L. (2013), Can Pakistan have Creative Cities? An Agent Based Modeling Approach with Preliminary Application to Karachi. Pakistan Strategy Support Program Working Paper 13, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T., Hudson-Smith, A. and Patel, A. (2010), Building 3D Agent-Based Models for Urban Systems. Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 161, London, England. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2010), Using Geo-spatial Agent-Based Models for Studying Cities. Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 160, London, England. (pdf)

Anand, S., Batty, M., Crooks, A. T., Hudson-Smith, A., Jackson, M., Milton, R. and Morley, J. (2010), Data Mash-ups and the Future of Mapping. Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) Technology and Standards Watch (TechWatch) Horizon Scanning report 10_01, Bristol, England. (pdf) (Commissioned and peer reviewed)

Smith, D. A. and Crooks, A. T. (2010), From Buildings to Cities: Enabling the Multi-Scale Analysis of Urban Form and Function through the integration of Geographical and Geometric Methods. Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 155, London, England. (pdf)

Masucci, A. P., Smith, D., Crooks, A. T. and Batty, M. (2009) Random Planar Graphs and the London Street Network, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 146, London, England. (pdf)

Hudson-Smith, A., Batty, M., Crooks, A. T., and Milton, R. (2008), Mapping for the Masses: Accessing Web 2.0 through Crowdsourcing, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 143, London, England. (pdf)

Hudson-Smith, A. and Crooks, A. T. (2008), The Renaissance of Geographic Information: Neogeography, Gaming and Second Life, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 142, London, England. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2008), Constructing and Implementing an Agent-Based Model of Residential Segregation through Vector GIS, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 133, London, England. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2007), Experimenting with Cities: Utilizing Agent-Based Models and GIS to Explore Urban Dynamics, PhD Thesis, University College London, London, England.

Crooks, A. T. (2007), The Repast Simulation/Modelling System for Geospatial Simulation, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 123, London, England. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T., Castle, C. J. E. and Batty, M. (2007), Key Challenges in Agent-Based Modelling for Geo-Spatial Simulation, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 121, London, England. (pdf)

Castle, C. J. E. and Crooks, A. T. (2006), Principles and Concepts of Agent-Based Modelling for Developing Geospatial Simulations, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 110, London, England. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2006), Exploring Cities Using Agent-Based Models and GIS, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 109, London, England. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2002), Mapping out the Future: Extending the Mapping Capabilities of the Gazetteer for Scotland, MSc Thesis, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland. (pdf)


Invited Presentations

Crooks, A.T., (2024), Exploring Cities through the lens of Urban Analytics, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania, 20th November, Philadelphia, PA. (pdf)

Heppenstall, A. and Crooks, A.T. (2024), GIS and Spatial Simulation for Evidenced-based Decision Making, GIS Day Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics, Cyprus University of Technology, 20th November, Online (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. (2024)Exploring the World from the Bottom Up with GIS and Agent-based Models: Past, Present and Future. The 19th Annual Social Simulation Conference, 16th–20th September, Cracow, Poland. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. (2024), GIS and Agent-based Modeling: Exploring the World from the Bottom Up, Department of Geography, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 12th January. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. (2023), GIS and Agent-based Modeling: Exploring Cities from the Bottom Up, Computational and Data Science Seminar Series, The Department of Computational and Data Science, George Mason University, 6th October, Online. (pdf)

Heppenstall, A. and Crooks, A.T. (2021), GIS and Agent-Based-Modelling: Past, Present and Future, 2021 International Conference on Geospatial Information Sciences, 3rd – 5th November, 2021, Online.  (YouTube movie)
Crooks, A.T. (2021), Opportunities & Challenges of Exploring Cities through Urban Analytics: Data and Models, Edinburgh Earth Observatory Seminar, School of GeoSciences, The University of Edinburgh, 29th October, Online.
Metcalf, S. and Crooks, A.T. (2021), Introduction to Agent Based Models, Institute for Computational and Data Sciences, University at Buffalo, 31st March, Online. (YouTube movie)
Crooks, A.T. (2021), Analyzing and Modeling Urban Systems Utilizing Computational Social Science: Opportunities, Examples, and Challenges, GIScience Research Group, Royal Geographical Society with IBG, 31st March, Online.
Crooks, A.T. (2019), The Role of Social Media on Public Health, Health Policy Seminar Series, The Department of Health Administration and Policy, George Mason University, 21st of November, Fairfax, VA.  (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. (2019), Utilizing Agent-based Models and Open Data to Examine the Movement of People and Information: A Gallery of Applications, The Criminal Investigations and Network Analysis (CINA) Center, 17th of October, Fairfax, VA.  (pdf) (YouTube movie)

Crooks, A.T. (2019), Utilizing Open Data: From mapping Slums and Refugee Camps to Cities, World-Wide Human Geography Data Working Group 23rd April 2019. Talk available at

Crooks, A.T. (2019), Analyzing and Modeling Urban Systems Utilizing Computational Social Science: Opportunities, Examples, and Challenges, The Department of Geography and the National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, University at Buffalo, 6th February, Buffalo, NY. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. (2018), Geosimulation: A Gallery of Applications, 1st International Workshop on Geospatial Simulation at ACM SIGSPATIAL 2018, 6th-9th 2018, November, Seattle, WA.

Crooks, A.T. (2018), GeoSocial Analysis: From Natural Disasters to Urban Areas, College of Mining and Geomatics, Hebei University of Engineering, 28th September, Handan, China.

Crooks, A.T. (2018), Utilizing Computational Social Science for Analyzing and Modeling Urban Systems, The International Conference on Geo-informatics in Sustainable Ecosystem and Society (GSES-2018), 24th-26th September, Handan, China. Keynote speaker. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. (2018), Computational Modelling of Slums / Informal Settlements: Progress & Challenges, University of Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Study, 2nd July, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Kennedy, W.G. and Crooks, A.T. (2017), A Framework for Modeling Society Following a Nuclear WMD Event, Army Science Board Study on Mega Cities, 26th April, Arlington, VA.

Mahabir, R. and Crooks, A.T. (2015), Challenges and Opportunities of Mapping and Modeling Slums in a Digital Big Data Era, Inter-American Development Bank, 4th November, Washington, DC. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. (2015), Computational Social Science for Urban Dynamics, JASON Study Group, 18th June, La Jolla, CA.

Crooks, A.T. (2015), Crowdsourced Data for Agent-based modeling: Opportunities, Examples and Challenges, Advanced Computing and Informatics Laboratories, The Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, 26th May, Arlington, VA. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. (2015), Agent-based Modeling for Urban Planning: A Gallery of Applications, School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs (PUBP 733-001: Urban Politics and Policy), George Mason University, 14th April, Arlington, VA.

Crooks, A.T. (2015), The Evolution of the GeoWeb & Social Media, Department of Geography and GeoInformation Science (GGS 590- Geosocial Analysis), George Mason University, 3rd February, Fairfax, VA.

Crooks, A.T. (2014), GeoSocial Analysis: From Natural Disasters to Protests, Department of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland in College Park, 17th April, College Park, MD. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T., An, L., Metcalf, S., Magliocca, N. and Zellner M.P. (2014), How Can We Make Agent-based Models More Relevant?, Panel Session, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 11th April, Tampa, FL. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. (2014), Disasters and Diseases: An Agent-based Modeling Perspective, Department of Geography and GeoInformation Science (GGS 759- Topics in Earth Systems Science), George Mason University, 11th February, Fairfax, VA. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. (2013), Agent-based Models for Humanitarian Assistance and Diseases, Department of Global And Community Health (GCH 605 - Social Epidemiology), George Mason University, 19th November, Fairfax, VA.

Crooks, A.T. (2013), Computational Social Science and Geographic Information, Department of Geography and GeoInformation Science, (GGS 759 - Topics in Earth Systems Science), George Mason University, 23rd April, Fairfax, VA.

Crooks, A.T. (2012), Geosocial Analysis for Urban Operations, The Science and Technology Board (STB) Symposium on Science and Technology for Urban Operations, 10th September, Norfolk, VA. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2012), Pedestrians to Cities with Agent-Based Modeling and GIS, Geometry, Graphics, Robotics, AI, Algorithms, and Data Mining (GRAND) Seminar Series, Department of Computer Science, George Mason University, 3rd April, Fairfax, VA.

Crooks, A. T. (2012), Pedestrians to Cities with Agent-Based Modeling and GIS, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA), 6th March, Springfield, VA. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2011), Agent-based Modeling, GGS 684: Select Topics in Geospatial Intelligence, US Army Corps of Engineers Geospatial Center, 7th and 16th June, Alexandria, VA.

Crooks, A. T. (2011), Spatial Agent-based Modeling, Department of Geography and GeoInformation Science, GGS 684: Select Topics in Geospatial Intelligence, George Mason University, 21st April, Fairfax, VA.

Crooks, A. T. (2011), Social Network Analysis and Geography, Department of Computational Social Science, (CSS 692: Social Network Analysis), George Mason University, 19th April, Fairfax, VA.

Crooks, A. T. (2011), Agents in the City: Modeling, Visualizing, and Communicating Emergent Phenomena Utilizing GIS and Agent-Based Modeling, Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 4th March, Baltimore, MD. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. and Latek, M.M. (2011), Use of Agent Based Modeling on Transportation and Health, School of Public Policy, (PUBP714-002/003: Transportation and Health), George Mason University, 2nd March, Arlington, VA.

Torrens, P., Crooks, A. T. and Guerin, S. (2010), The Exultation and Agony of Combining GIS and ABM Panel, 2010 Computational Social Science Society Conference, 5th - 6th November, Tempe, AZ.

Crooks, A. T. (2010), GIS and Agent-based Modeling, NGA funded Mentor Protégé Program: Northrop Grumman - CSSS Yr 4 Training Workshop, School of Public Policy, George Mason University, 3rd September, Arlington, VA.

Crooks, A. T. (2006) Social Science Applications Utilising GIS at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Innovative methods Seminar: the role of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Government Social Research. Scottish Executive, 15th November, Edinburgh, Scotland. Keynote speaker. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2006), Understanding how Cities Work - Using Agent-Based Modelling to Simulate Urban Change, London and the Local Economy, Greater London Authority Economics Unit Seminar, 1st June, London, England. (pdf)

Other Presentations/Conferences (Non Reviewed)


Yin, F., Crooks, A.T. and Laurian, L. (2024), Mapping Resilience: How Facebook Promotes Mutual Aid during Blizzards, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, 7th –9th November, Seattle, WA. (pdf)

Yin, F., Crooks, A.T. and Laurian, L. (2024) Mapping Resilience on Social Media: How Online Interactions are Translated into Mutual Aid Behaviors During the 2022 Buffalo Blizzard, The 2024 Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CaGIS) and the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) Symposium, 3rd –6th June, Columbus, OH. (pdf

Yin, F., Jiang., N. and Crooks, A.T. (2024), Modeling Covid Vaccination uptake in New York State: An Agent-based Modeling Perspective, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 23rd –27th April, Honolulu, HI. (pdf

Jiang., N. Crooks, A.T., Wang, B. and Yin (2024), Populating Digital Twins with Humans: A Framework Utilizing Artificial Agents, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 23rd –27th April, Honolulu, HI. (pdf

Chen, C., Poorthuis, A. and Crooks, A.T. (2024), Mapping the Invisible: Decoding Perceived Urban Smells through Geosocial Media in New York City, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 23rd –27th April, Honolulu, HI. (pdf

Wang, B. and Crooks, A.T. (2024), Simulating Urban Flows with Geographically Explicit Synthetic Populations, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 23rd –27th April, Honolulu, HI. (pdf

Adegbola, F., Crooks, A.T. and Evans, S. (2023), Crowdsourcing Dust Storms in the United States Utilizing Flickr, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 11th – 15th December, San Francisco, CA. (pdf)

Yin, F., Crooks, A.T. and Yin, L. (2023), How Information Propagation in Hybrid Spaces Affect People’s Decision-Making: Evidence from Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake in a Rural County, UCGIS Symposium 2023: GIScience in a Hybrid Physical-Virtual World, 6th – 8th June, New Haven, CT. (pdf)

Yin, F., Crooks, A.T. and Yin, L. (2023), How Information Propagation in Physical, Relational and Cyber Spaces Affects Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake: Evidence from Rural County, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 23rd –27th March, Denver, CO. (pdf)
Jiang, N., and Crooks A.T., (2023), Leveraging Newspapers to Understand Urban Issues: A Longitudinal Analysis of Urban Shrinkage in Detroit, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 23rd –27th March, Denver, CO. (pdf)
Wang, B. and Crooks, A.T. (2023), Do People Care About Others' Opinions of Places? Utilizing Crowdsourced Data and Deep Learning to Model Peoples’ Review Patterns, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 23rd –27th March, Denver, CO. (pdf)
Chen, Q., Wang, B. and Crooks, A.T. (2023), Community Resilience to Wildfires: A Network Analysis Approach Utilizing Human Mobility Data, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 23rd –27th March, Denver, CO. (pdf)
Yin, F., Crooks, A.T. and Yin, L. (2022), Information Propagation on Cyber, Relational and Physical Spaces about Covid-19 Vaccines: Using Social Media and Splatial Framework, The 2022 Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, November 3rd -5th, November, Toronto, Canada. (pdf)
Chen, Q and Crooks, A.T. (2022). Tracking the Dynamics of Vaccination Sentiment in Large-Scale Social Media Data, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 25th February -1st March, Online. (pdf)
Hemmati, M., Mahmoud, H., Ellingwood, B.R. and Crooks, A.T. (2021), The Role of Human Behavior in Achieving Sustainable Communities Resilient to Floods, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 13th-17th December, New Orleans, LA. (pdf)
Jiang, N., Burger, A. and Crooks, A.T. (2021), Generation of Reusable Synthetic Population and Social Networks for Agent-Based Modeling, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 7th-11th, April, Online. (pdf)
Hemmati, M., Mahmoud, H., Ellingwood, B.R. and Crooks, A.T. (2020), Revealing the Complex Role of Human Behavior in Urbanization and Resilience of Communities under Flood Risk, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 7th-11th December, Online. (pdf)
Jiang, N., Burger, A., Guillen-Piazza, D., Crooks, A.T. and Kennedy, W.G. (2020), Modeling a Society’s Reaction to a Disaster: An Agent Based Modeling Approach, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 6th-10th, April, Denver, CO. (pdf)

Hemmati, M., Mahmoud, H., Ellingwood, B.R. and Crooks, A.T. (2019), Impact of Urban Growth on Future Flood Risk and Resilience of the Built Environment, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 9th-13th December, San Francisco, CA. (pdf)

West, J.M., Hieb, M.R. and Crooks, A.T.  (2019), Modeling Behavior in Drivers of Autonomous Vehicles in Evacuation Situations, 87th Symposium of the Military Operations Research Society (MORS), 17th-20th June, U.S. Air Force Academy, CO. (pdf)

Crooks A.T., Burger, A., Jiang, N., Guillen-Piazza, D. and Kennedy W.G. (2018), Decision-making in Times of Crisis: An Agent-Based Model of Disaster, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 3rd-7th, April, Washington, DC. (pdf)

Zhang, R., Tian, Q., Jiang, L., Crooks A.T., Qi, S. and Yang, R. (2019), Projecting Cropping Patterns around Poyang Lake and Prioritizing Areas for Policy Intervention to Promote Rice: A Cellular Automata Model, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 3rd-7th, April, Washington, DC. (pdf)

Burger, A., Kennedy, W.G. and Crooks, A.T. (2018), Generation of Realistic Routine Behavior in Mega-City Populations, The Computational Social Science Society of Americas Conference, 25th-28th October, Santa Fe, NM. (pdf) (1 minute slide)

Burger, A., Oz, T., Yuan, X., Crooks, A.T. and Kennedy, W.G. (2018), Agent-Based Models for Megacities and Social Networks in Disaster, International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology, 15th-21st, July, Toronto, Canada. (pdf)

Crooks A.T. and Wise. S. (2018), Leveraging Open Data for Urban Agent-based Models: Examples and Challenges, Conference on Modelling Complex Urban Environments, 21st-22nd, June, Waterloo, Canada. (pdf)

Crooks A.T., Burger, A., Yuan, X. and Kennedy W.G. (2018), The Generation and Application of Large Scale Synthetic Populations for Disease Outbreaks and Disasters, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 10th-14th, April, New Orleans, LA. (pdf)

Crooks A.T., Kennedy W.G., Burger, A. Oz, T. and Heppenstall, A. (2017), Megacities through the Lens of Computational Social Science, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 5th-9th, April, Boston, MA. (pdf)

Heppenstall, A., Crooks A.T. and Malleson, N. (2017), The Interplay of Agent-based Modelling and Theory: Current Practices and Future Trends, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 5th-9th, April, Boston, MA. (pdf)

Heppenstall, A., Crooks A.T. and Malleson, N. (2016), ABM for Simulating Spatial Systems: How are we doing? International Congress on Agent Computing, 29th-30th, November, Fairfax, VA. (pdf)

Mahabir, R. Agouris, P., Stefanidis, A., Croitoru, A. and Crooks A.T. (2016), Exploring Open Sources of Data for Detecting and Mapping Slums, The 2016 Middle Atlantic Division of Association of American Geographers Conference, 18th-19th, April, Fairfax, VA. (pdf)

Mahabir, R. Agouris, P., Crooks A.T., Stefanidis, A. and Croitoru, A. (2016), Challenges and Opportunities of Mapping and Modeling Slums in a Digital Big Data Era, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 29th March- 2nd April, San Francisco, CA. (pdf)

Crooks A.T., Croitoru, A., Jenkins, A. and  Stefanidis, A. (2016), City Infoscapes: From User-Generated Big Data to Urban Morphology, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 29th March- 2nd April, San Francisco, CA. (pdf)

Mahabir, R. Agouris, P., Stefanidis, A., Croitoru, A. and Crooks A.T. (2015), Slum Detection and Mapping- A Synthesis of Methods, Challenges and Opportunities for Supporting Improved Population Monitoring, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 21st -25th April, Chicago, IL. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. and Wise, S. (2015), Leveraging Crowdsourced Data for Agent-based Modeling: Opportunities, Examples and Challenges, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 21st -25th April, Chicago, IL. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T., Croitoru, A., Pfoser, D. and Stefanidis, A. (2014) Crowd-sourcing Urban Morphology: Opportunities and Challenges, 61st Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, 12th -15th, November, Washington, DC. (pdf)

Patel, A., Crooks, A.T. and Koizumi, N. (2014), Simulating Slum Policies Using a Spatial Multi-Agent Decision Support System, 61st Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, 12th -15th, November, Washington, DC. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. and Chopra, P. (2014), An Agent-based Model for the Spread and Containment of Tuberculosis, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 8th-12th April, Tampa, FL. (pdf)

Malik, A., Swartz, M., Crooks, A.T. and Root, H. (2013), Agent-Based Modeling Simulations for Solving Pakistan’s Urban Challenge, SWARMFEST 2013: 17th Annual Swarmfest Conference, 8th-9th July, Orlando, FL. (pdf)

Malik, A., Swartz, M., Root, H. and Crooks, A.T. (2013), Creative Karachi: Using Agent-Based Models to Explore Pakistan’s Urban Challenges and Opportunities, The 6th Annual Experience the Creative Economy Conference, 18th-21st June, Toronto, Canada. (pdf)

Patel, A., Crooks, A.T. and Koizumi, N. (2013), A Spatial ABM Approach to Explore Slum Formation Dynamics in Ahmedabad, India, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 9th -13th April, Los Angeles, CA. (pdf)

Pint, B. and Crooks, A.T. (2013), The Impact of a Slum's Social Dynamics and Geospatial Landscape on the Emergence of Riots: The Case of Kibera, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 9th -13th April, Los Angeles, CA. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. and Hailegiorgis, A. (2013), Modeling the Spread of Cholera within Refugee Camps: An Agent-based Modeling Approach, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 9th -13th April, Los Angeles, CA. (pdf)

Wise, S. and Crooks A.T. (2012), Fire Flight: An Agent-Based Model of Citizen Response to the Colorado Wildfires, 4th Annual Complexity in Business Conference, 9th November, Washington, DC. (pdf)

Masad, D. and Crooks A.T. (2012), Towards Arms and Influence Networks: A Network Analysis of International Arms Transfers, 4th Annual Complexity in Business Conference, 9th November, Washington, DC. (pdf)

Patel, A., Crooks, A. T. and Koizumi, N. (2012), Integrating GIS and ABM to Explore Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Slum Formation in Ahmedabad, India, 59th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, 7th -10th, November, Ottawa, Canada. (pdf)

Crooks, A.T. and Hailegiorgis, A. (2012), The Spread of Cholera in Dadaab Refugee Camps: An Agent Based Modeling Perspective, 59th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, 7th -10th, November, Ottawa, Canada. (pdf)

Croitoru, A., Stefanidis, A., Crooks, A.T., Radzikowski, J., Wayant, N. and Irvine, J. (2012), Event Vision: Social Media Feeds For Event Monitoring, Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition 2012, Computer Vision: Time for Change Workshop, 9th-11th October, Washington, DC. (pdf)

Latek, M., Crooks, A. T., Rizi, S. and Fraser, M. (2012), Social Simulations For Border Security, 4th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 21st-25th July, San Francisco, CA. (pdf)

Gulden, T. Cotla C. and Crooks, A. T. (2012), The Climate for Refugees: An Integrated Model of Human/Environment Interaction and Migration Under Stress, 4th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 21st-25th July, San Francisco, CA. (pdf)

Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Stefanidis, A. and Radzikowski, J. (2012), The Ascent of GeoSocial Analysis, UCGIS 2012 Symposium, 30th May – June 1st, Washington, DC. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T., and Wise, S. (2012), Modeling the Consequences of Natural Disasters through Crowdsourcing, Volunteered Geographical Information and Multi-Agent Systems: Haiti as Test Case, HFM-201 Specialists Meeting on Social Media: Risks and Opportunities In Military Applications, 16th - 18th April, Tallinn, Estonia. (pdf)

Patel, A., Crooks, A. T. and Koizumi, N. (2012), Integrating GIS and ABM to Explore Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Slum Formation in Mumbai, India, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 24th -28th February, New York, NY. (pdf)

Cioffi-Revilla, C., Crooks, A. T., De Jong, K., Gulden, T., Kennedy, W. Luke, S. and Coletti, M. (2012), MASON RiftLand: An Agent-Based Model for Analyzing Conflict, Disasters, and Humanitarian Crises in East Africa, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 24th -28th February, New York, NY. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T., Coletti, M., Wise, S. and Sullivan, K. (2012), GeoMason: Integrating GIS and Agent-based modeling - A Gallery of Applications, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 24th -28th February, New York, NY. (pdf)

Patel, A., Koizumi, N. and Crooks, A. T. (2011) Defining Slum Severity in Indian Mega-cities: a Comparison of Mumbai and Kolkata, Joint North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) and Second Conference of the Regional Science Association, 9th-12th November, Miami, FL. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T., Latek, M. M. and Mussavi Rizi, S. M. (2011) Computational Social Modeling of the Security of the Southern US Border, EADS North America Innovation Forum. 28th September, Arlington, VA.

Crooks, A. T. and Wise, S. (2011), From the Micro Movement of Pedestrians to the Macro Growth of Cities: Geographically Explicit Agent-Based Modeling with GeoMASON, Franco-American Workshop on Spatial Models of Social Complexity, 17th -18th March, Paris, France.

Crooks, A. T. and Wise, S. (2011), Modeling the Consequences of Natural Disasters Through Crowdsourcing, Volunteered Geographic Information and Agent-Based Modeling: The Case of Haiti, Franco-American Workshop on Spatial Models of Social Complexity, 17th -18th March, Paris, France.

Rouly, O. V. and Crooks, A. T. (2010), Late Pleistocene Human Migrations: An Agent-based Modeling Approach. 2010 Computational Social Science Society Conference, 5th - 6th November, Tempe, AZ. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2010) GIS and Agent-based Modeling: From the Past to Present, Future Research Directions in Agent Based Modelling Workshop. University of Leeds, 15th June, Leeds, England. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. and Smith, D. (2010), From Buildings to Cities: Techniques for the Multi-Scale Analysis of Urban Form and Function, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 14th -18th April, Washington, DC. (pdf)

Torrens, P., Batty, M., Crooks, A. T. and Hudson-Smith, A. (2009), Visualization in Agent-Based Modeling, North American Association for Computational Social and Organization Sciences (NAACSOS) Annual Conference, 23rd -24th October, Tempe, AZ. (pdf)

Masucci, A. P., Smith, D., Crooks, A. T. and Batty, M. (2009), Random Planar Graphs and the London Street Network, International Conference on Network Science, 2nd -3rd July, Venice, Italy. (pdf)

Batty, M., Hudson-Smith, A., Crooks, A. T., Milton, R. and Smith, D. (2009), Visualizing, Communicating, and Modeling Spatial Data in the Social Sciences, 35th Annual International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology (IASSIST) Conference, 26th -29th May, Tampere, Finland. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. and Hudson-Smith, A. (2009), Agents in the City: Modeling and Visualizing Emergent Phenomena, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 22nd -27th March, Las Vegas, NV. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. and Hudson-Smith, A. (2008), Techniques and Tools for Three Dimensional Visualisation and Communication of Spatial Agent-Based Models, Agent Based Spatial Simulation International Workshop, 24th -25th November, Paris, France. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. and Smith, D. A. (2008), Exploring London's Housing Market and Built Environment through Fine Scale Modelling, 2008 ESRI Europe, Middle East and Africa International User Conference, 26th - 28th October, London, England. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. and Smith, D. A. (2008), Mapping and Visualizing Fine-scale Data, Social Infrastructure Planning and the Community Infrastructure Levy: Providing a Robust Evidence Base Workshop, University of East London, 17th October, London, England.

Hudson-Smith, A. and Crooks, A. T. (2008), Neogeography, Gaming and Virtual Environments, Association of Geographic Information (AGI) GeoCommunity '08 Conference, 24th - 25th September, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK. (pdf)

Batty, M. and Crooks, A. T. (2008), Visualisation, Simulation and Agents: New Techniques for the Visualisation and Communication of Models, Digital Geography in a Web 2.0 World, 15th September, Urbis Museum in Manchester, England.

Batty, M., Hudson-Smith, A., Milton, R., Dearden, J., and Crooks, A. T. (2008), Neogeography: Disseminating Geographic Content with Web 2.0 Technologies, Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference 2008, 27th -29th August, London, England. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2008), The Building Blocks of the City: Points, Lines and Polygons, Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference 2008, 27th -29th August, London, England. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2008), Using Geographically Explicit Agents to Explain and Explore Urban Phenomena, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 15th - 19th April, Boston, MA. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2007), The Repast Simulation/Modelling System for Geospatial Simulation, Agent-Based Models for Spatial Systems in Social Sciences and Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents (ABM-S4-ESHIA) workshop, 17th-22nd September, Agelonde, La Londe les Maures, France.

Batty, M. and Crooks, A. T. (2007), Validating and Verifying Agent-Based Models: For Planning and Public Policy Analysis, e-Social Science Agenda Setting Workshop: "Improving Evidence Based Policy Decisions: Piloting the Application of Advanced Computer Modelling Techniques to Real Life Policy Problems", 9th February University of Birmingham, England. (pdf)

Castle, C. J. E. and Crooks, A. T. (2006), From Pedestrians to Cities: Exploring Urban Systems through Agent-Based Modelling, in Jost, J., Reed-Tsochas, F. and Schuster, P. (eds.), Complexity and Dynamics: Volatility and Stability in City and Regional Systems Workshop at the European Conference on Complex Systems: Towards a Science of Complex Systems, 25th -29th September, Oxford, England. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2006), Integration of Agent-Based Simulation and GIS: Applied to Segregation, Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, 30th August - 1st September, London, England. (pdf)

Crooks, A. T. (2006), Experimenting with Cities, Integrating Agent-Based Models and GIS: Applied to Segregation, 36th Annual Conference of the Regional Science Association International. British and Irish Section, 16th - 18th August Jersey, Channel Islands. (pdf)

Papers in Professional Magazines

Mahabir, R. and Crooks, A.T. (2018), Mapping and Monitoring of Slums in 5 Steps - Define, Data, Map, Analyse, Model, GIM International, March 1st, Available at (pdf)

Stefanidis, A., Crooks, A.T. and Croitoru, A (2015), How – and Why – Google is Transforming the Map, The Conversation, January 7th, Available at (pdf)

Stefanidis, A., Cotnoir, A., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Radzikowski, J. and Rice, M. (2013), Demarcating New Boundaries: Mapping Virtual Polycentric Communities through Social Media Content, IQT Quarterly, 5 (2): 12-14. (pdf)

Jackson, S. P., Mullen W., Agouris, P., Crooks, A. T., Croitoru, A. and Stefanidis, A. (2013), Assessing Completeness and Spatial Error of Features in Volunteered Geographic Information, IQT Quarterly, 5 (2): 22-26. (pdf)

Batty, M., Hudson-Smith, A., Crooks, A. T., Milton R. and Smith D. (2009) New Developments in GIS for Urban Planning, Geospatial Today, June: 40-43. (pdf)

Articles and Interviews About My Work

Goldbaum, E. (2022), NSF awards $1 million grant to UB to help prepare for next pandemic, UB Now, Available at (pdf)
Crotty, J. (2020), eBird and Urban Planning: City Green Spaces, 10,000 Birds, Available at: (pdf)

Waddell, K. (2017), What Happens If a Nuclear Bomb Goes Off in Manhattan?, The Atlantic, (pdf)

Subsequently picked up by:
Periodic Table. (2015), From Social Media Data to Social Knowledge, Periodic Table: A Magazine from the College of Science, Spring, Issue 12: 20. (pdf)

Tilton, L. (2013), Spotlight: USGIF Award Winner – Linking Human Geography and Social Media, Trajectory, 29th August 2013: web or pdf.

Quinn, K. (2012), Visualizing the Invisible: GMU Pioneers a New Approach to Harvesting GEOINT, Trajectory Magazine, Fall, 11-12. (pdf)

Metcalfe, M. (2012), The Bounds of Rationality, UP Magazine, May, Issue 5: 40-43. (pdf)