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GIS and Agent-based modeling is written by Dr Andrew Crooks, it aims at highlighting and examining the latest advances in the fields of agent-based modeling and
When Andrew is not writing the blog, he is an assistant professor in the
Department of Computational Social Science and a researcher in the
Center for Social Complexity which is part of the
Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study at
George Mason University. Andrew teaches courses in urban systems, GIS and agent-based modeling.
Andrew is also a honorary research member at the
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA),
University College London.
His research interests relate to exploring, understanding and the communication of urban built and
socio-economic environments using geographic information systems, spatial analysis,
geovisualisation and agent-based modelling methodologies.
A relatively up to date CV can be found
here .
Any thoughts or comments are always welcome and feel free to drop us a line via the contact link on the top of the page.
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Below is a list of some of the papers of the work to date, broken down into categories. There are a few new papers coming soon which will be featured in the blog in the coming months. The rest of the papers should be able to be tracked down via a Google Search. If you can’t find them just drop me a line and I can email you the work.
Book Chapters
Crooks, A. T. (in press), The Use of Agent-Based Modelling for Studying the Social and Physical Environment of Cities, in De Roo, G, Hiller, J. and Van Wezemael, J. (eds.),
Complexity and the Planning of the Built Environment, Ashgate.
Crooks, A. T., Hudson-Smith, A. and Patel, A. (in press), Advances and Techniques for Building 3D Agent-Based Models for Urban Systems, in Marceau D. and Benenson, I. (eds.),
Advanced Geosimulation Models, Bentham Science Publishers.
Hudson-Smith, A., Batty, M.,
Crooks, A. T., and Milton R. (2010) Neogeography and the Power of the Crowd: Networks and Map Hacks, in Madhuri, V. (ed.)
User Generated Content: Regulatory Dimensions, Amicus Books, Hyderabad, India, pp 122-147. (
Castle, C. J. E.,
Crooks, A. T., de Smith, M. J., Goodchild, M. F., and Longley, P. A. (2009), Geocomputational Methods and Modelling, in de Smith, M. J., Goodchild, M. F., and Longley, P. A. (eds.),
Geospatial Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide to Principles, Techniques and Software Tools (3rd Edition), The Winchelsea Press, Winchelsea, UK pp 445-519. (
web version)
Hudson-Smith, A. and
Crooks, A. T. (2009), The Renaissance of Geographic Information: Neogeography, Gaming and Second Life, in Lin, H. and Batty, M. (eds.),
Virtual Geographic Environments, Science Press, Beijing, PRC, pp 25-36.
Castle, C. J. E.,
Crooks, A. T., de Smith, M. J., Goodchild, M. F., and Longley, P. A. (2007), Geocomputational Methods and Modelling, in de Smith, M. J., Goodchild, M. F., and Longley, P. A. (eds.), Geospatial Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide to Principles, Techniques and Software Tools (2nd Edition), The Winchelsea Press, Winchelsea, UK, pp 383-450.
Journal Articles
Crooks, A. T. (2010), Constructing and Implementing an Agent-Based Model of Residential Segregation through Vector GIS,
International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 24(5): 661-675. (
Batty, M., Hudson-Smith, A., Milton, R. and
Crooks, A. T. (2010), Map MashUps, Web 2.0 and the GIS Revolution,
Annals of GIS, 16(1): 1-13. (
Crooks, A. T., Hudson-Smith, A., and Dearden, J. (2009), Agent Street: An Environment for Exploring Agent-Based Models in Second Life,
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation: 12 (4). Available at
Hudson-Smith, A.,
Crooks, A. T., Gibin, M., Milton, R., and Batty, M. (2009), Neogeography and Web 2.0: Concepts, Tools and Applications,
Journal of Location Based Services, 3(2) 118 - 145. (
Masucci, A. P., Smith, D.,
Crooks, A. T. and Batty, M. (2009) Random Planar Graphs and the London Street Network,
The European Physical Journal B, 71 (2): 259-271. (
Hudson-Smith, A., Batty, M.,
Crooks, A. T., and Milton R. (2009), Mapping Tools for the Masses: Web 2.0 and Crowdsourcing,
Social Science Computer Review: 27 (4): 524-538. (
Hudson-Smith, A. and
Crooks, A. T. (2008), Building Space in the Machine: Digital Tool Kits for Mirror Worlds,
AGORA: Dutch Journal for Social-Spatial Questions, 2008(4): 27-29. (
Crooks, A. T., Castle, C. J. E., and Batty, M. (2008), Key Challenges in Agent-Based Modelling for Geo-spatial Simulation, Computers,
Environment and Urban Systems, 32(6): 417-430. (
Book Reviews
Crooks, A. T. (2010), Crooks on Albeverio, Andrey, Giordano and Vancheri (eds.): The Dynamics of Complex Urban Systems: An Interdisciplinary Approach,
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 3(1): 75-7. (
Crooks, A. T. (2009), Crooks on Foth: Handbook of Research on Urban Informatics: The Practice and Promise of the Real-Time City,
Environment and Planning B, 36 (5): 946-947. (
Crooks, A. T. (2008), Crooks on North, Macal: Managing Business Complexity: Discovering Strategic Solutions with Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation, Crooks on Rennard (ed.): Handbook of Research on Nature-Inspired Computing for Economics and Management,
Environment and Planning B, 35(6): 1117-1132. (
Working Papers and Technical Reports
Masucci, A. P., Smith, D.,
Crooks, A. T. and Batty, M. (2009) Random Planar Graphs and the London Street Network,
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 146, London, England. (
Hudson-Smith, A., Batty, M.,
Crooks, A. T., and Milton, R. (2008), Mapping for the Masses: Accessing Web 2.0 through Crowdsourcing,
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 143, London, England. (
Hudson-Smith, A. and
Crooks, A. T. (2008), The Renaissance of Geographic Information: Neogeography, Gaming and Second Life,
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 142, London, England. (
Crooks, A. T. (2008), Constructing and Implementing an Agent-Based Model of Residential Segregation through Vector GIS,
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 133, London, England. (
Crooks, A. T. (2007), Experimenting with Cities: Utilizing Agent-Based Models and GIS to Explore Urban Dynamics,
PhD Thesis, University College London, London, England.
Crooks, A. T. (2007), The Repast Simulation/Modelling System for Geospatial Simulation,
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 123, London, England. (
Crooks, A. T., Castle, C. J. E. and Batty, M. (2007), Key Challenges in Agent-Based Modelling for Geo-Spatial Simulation,
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 120, London, England. (
Castle, C. J. E. and
Crooks, A. T. (2006), Principles and Concepts of Agent-Based Modelling for Developing Geospatial Simulations,
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 110, London, England. (
Crooks, A. T. (2006), Exploring Cities Using Agent-Based Models and GIS,
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London): Working Paper 109, London, England. (
Crooks, A. T. (2002), Mapping out the Future: Extending the Mapping Capabilities of the Gazetteer for Scotland,
MSc Thesis, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Reviewed Conference Papers/Presentations (*Denotes Speaker(s))
*Hudson-Smith, A., M., Milton, R.,
Crooks, A. T. and Batty, M. (2009), Crowd Sourced Data for the Social Sciences: Web Based Services and Real-Time Geographic Surveys.
5th International Conference on e-Social Science, Cologne, Germany. (
*Crooks, A. T., Hudson-Smith, A., M., Milton, R., and Batty, M. (2009), Crowdsourcing Spatial Surveys and Mapping, in Fairbairn, D. (ed.),
Proceedings of the 17th Geographical Information Systems Research UK Conference, Durham University, England, pp 263-269. (
*Slingsby, A., Dykes, J., Wood, J. and
Crooks, A. (2009), The Role of Layout and Order in Treemaps for Showing Spatial and Temporal Variation in House Prices.
GeoViz, Hamburg Germany. (
Crooks, A. T., *Smith, D. A., and Theseira, M. (2008), The Fine Scale Spatial Dynamics of the Greater London Housing Market, in Lambrick, D. (ed.),
Proceedings of the 16th Geographical Information Systems Research UK Conference, UNIGIS, Manchester Metropolitan University, England, pp. 117-124. (
*Crooks, A. T., Castle, C. J. E., and *Batty, M. (2007), Key Challenges in Agent-Based Modelling for Geo-spatial Simulation, in Demšar, U (ed.),
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Geocomputation, National Centre for Geocomputation, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland. (
Crooks, A. T. (2006), Exploring Cities Using Agent-Based Models and GIS,
Proceedings of the Agent 2006 Conference on Social Agents: Results and Prospects, University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, IL. (
Crooks, A. T. (2006), Experimenting with Cities Using Agent Based Models, in Priestnall, G., and Aplin, P. (eds.),
Proceedings of the 14th Geographical Information Systems Research UK Conference, The University of Nottingham, England, pp. 240-243. (
Castle, C. J. E.,
Crooks, A. T., *Longley, P.A., and Batty, M. (2006), Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation using Repast: A Gallery of GIS Applications from CASA, in Priestnall, G., and Aplin, P. (eds.),
Proceedings of the 14th Geographical Information Systems Research UK Conference, The University of Nottingham, England, pp. 237-239. (
*Theseira, M. and
Crooks, A. T. (2005), The Relationship between Population, Employment and Accessibility in London, in Billen, R., Drummond, J., Forrest, D., and Joao, E. (eds.),
Proceedings of the 13th Geographical Information Systems Research UK Conference, University of Glasgow, Scotland, pp. 169-174. (
Invited Presentations
Crooks, A. T. (2006) Social Science Applications Utilising GIS at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Innovative methods
Seminar: the role of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Government Social Research. Scottish Executive, 15th November, Edinburgh, Scotland. Keynote speaker. (
Crooks, A. T. (2006), Understanding how Cities Work - Using Agent-Based Modelling to Simulate Urban Change,
London and the Local Economy, Greater London Authority Economics Unit Seminar, 1st June, London, England. (
Other Presentations/Conferences (*Denotes Speaker(s))
Crooks, A. T. and Smith, D. (2010), From Buildings to Cities: Techniques for the Multi-Scale Analysis of Urban Form and Function, The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 14th -18th April, 2010, Washington, DC. (
Torrens, P., Batty, M.,
*Crooks, A. T. and Hudson-Smith, A. (2009), Visualization in Agent-Based Modeling,
North American Association for Computational Social and Organization Sciences (NAACSOS) Annual Conference, 23rd -24th October, Tempe, AZ. (
*Masucci, A. P., Smith, D.,
Crooks, A. T. and Batty, M. (2009), Random Planar Graphs and the London Street Network,
International Conference on Network Science, 2nd -3rd July, Venice, Italy. (
*Batty, M., Hudson-Smith, A.,
Crooks, A. T., Milton, R. and Smith, D. (2009), Visualizing, Communicating, and Modeling Spatial Data in the Social Sciences,
35th Annual International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology (IASSIST) Conference, 26th -29th May, Tampere, Finland. (
*Crooks, A. T. and Hudson-Smith, A. (2009), Agents in the City: Modeling and Visualizing Emergent Phenomena,
The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 22nd -27th March, Las Vegas, NV. (
*Crooks, A. T. and Hudson-Smith, A. (2008), Techniques and Tools for Three Dimensional Visualisation and Communication of Spatial Agent-Based Models,
Agent Based Spatial Simulation International Workshop, 24th -25th November, Paris, France. (
*Crooks, A. T. and Smith, D. A. (2008), Exploring London's Housing Market and Built Environment through Fine Scale Modelling,
2008 ESRI Europe, Middle East and Africa International User Conference, 26th - 28th October, London, England. (
*Crooks, A. T. and Smith, D. A. (2008), Mapping and Visualizing Fine-scale Data,
Social Infrastructure Planning and the Community Infrastructure Levy: Providing a Robust Evidence Base Workshop, University of East London, 17th October, London, England.
*Hudson-Smith, A. and
Crooks, A. T. (2008), Neogeography, Gaming and Virtual Environments,
Association of Geographic Information (AGI) GeoCommunity '08 Conference, 24th - 25th September, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK. (
*Batty, M. and
*Crooks, A. T. (2008), Visualisation, Simulation and Agents: New Techniques for the Visualisation and Communication of Models,
Digital Geography in a Web 2.0 World, 15th September, Urbis Museum in Manchester, England.
Batty, M., Hudson-Smith, A., Milton, R., Dearden, J., and
*Crooks, A. T. (2008), Neogeography: Disseminating Geographic Content with Web 2.0 Technologies,
Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference 2008, 27th -29th August, London, England.
Crooks, A. T. (2008), The Building Blocks of the City: Points, Lines and Polygons,
Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference 2008, 27th -29th August, London, England.
Crooks, A. T. (2008), Using Geographically Explicit Agents to Explain and Explore Urban Phenomena,
The Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, 15th - 19th April, Boston, MA.
Crooks, A. T. (2007), The Repast Simulation/Modelling System for Geospatial Simulation
, Agent-Based Models for Spatial Systems in Social Sciences & Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents (ABM-S4-ESHIA) workshop, 17th-22nd September, Agelonde, La Londe les Maures, France.
*Batty, M. and
*Crooks, A. T. (2007), Validating and Verifying Agent-Based Models: For Planning and Public Policy Analysis,
e-Social Science Agenda Setting Workshop: "Improving Evidence Based Policy Decisions: Piloting the Application of Advanced Computer Modelling Techniques to Real Life Policy Problems", 9th February University of Birmingham, England.
*Castle, C. J. E. and
*Crooks, A. T. (2006), From Pedestrians to Cities: Exploring Urban Systems through Agent-Based Modelling, in Jost, J., Reed-Tsochas, F. and Schuster, P. (eds.),
Complexity and Dynamics: Volatility and Stability in City and Regional Systems Workshop at the European Conference on Complex Systems: Towards a Science of Complex Systems, 25th -29th September, Oxford, England.
Crooks, A. T. (2006), Integration of Agent-Based Simulation and GIS: Applied to Segregation,
Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference 30th August 1st September, London, England.
Crooks, A. T. (2006), Experimenting with Cities, Integrating Agent-Based Models and GIS: Applied to Segregation,
36th Annual Conference of the Regional Science Association International. British and Irish Section, 16th - 18th August Jersey, Channel Islands.
Paper in Professional Magazines
Batty, M., Hudson-Smith, A.,
Crooks, A. T., Milton R. and Smith D. (2009) New Developments in GIS for Urban Planning,
Geospatial Today, June: 40-43. (