Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Editorial: Urban analytical approaches to combating the Covid-19 pandemic

While there has been a lot written about COVID-19 Angela  Yao, Bin Jiang, Jukka Krisp, Xintao Liu, and Haosheng Huang and myself have just recently wrapped up a special issue in Environment and Planning B and how it can be studied through the lens of urban analytics.  After a call for papers for the special issue, we published 10 papers that cover a wide spectrum of analytical methods have been used to study the pandemic. These ranged from how policies impacted pedestrian patterns to how data could on the disease could be visualized along with many things in between. Below you can see papers:

Accompanying these papers is an editorial entitled "An overview of urban analytical approaches to combating the Covid-19 pandemic," In this editorial we situate these papers in the larger literature of urban analytics and Covid-19. Also in the editorial, we explore what can be learned from the current research on Covid-19 and finally we identify gaps and future research opportunities for urban analytics in combating epidemic outbreaks.

A framework of the Covid-19 pandemic dynamics in urban systems.

Covid-19 research themes and topics through the lens of geography and urban analytics.

Full Reference:

Yao, X.A, Crooks, A.T., Jiang, B., Krisp, J., Liu, X. and Huang, H. (2023), An overview of urban analytical approaches to combating the Covid-19 pandemic, Environment and Planning B, 50 (5), pp. 1133–1143. (pdf)