Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Life has been quite hectic for the last couple of weeks. We just come back from Chicago where we attended the Repast Training workshop which introduced us to Repast symphony (which looked quite cool) along with both presenting our work at the Agent 2006 Conference. I gave a paper titled “Exploring Cities Using Agent-based Models and GIS” and Christian’s paper was called “Using Repast to Develop a Prototype Agent-based Pedestrian Evacuation Model.” These papers will be available for download from the agent 2006 website soon.

This week Christian and I are off to Oxford to present at a workshop called: Complexity and Dynamics: Volatility & Stability in City & Regional Systems, which is part of the European Conference on Complex Systems 2006. The workshop focuses on urban dynamics, along with volatility and stability in city and regional systems. Our paper is entitled “From Pedestrians to Cities: Exploring Urban Systems through Agent-Based Modelling”

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