Wednesday, April 11, 2007


The SIMSEG model is an extension of the Thomas Schellings segregation model. It allows users to explore ethnic diversity in terms of number of groups and the relative sizes of each group, specify ethnic preferences, specify the level of socio-economic inequality within and between ethnic populations and to specify agents preferences for neighbourhood status and housing quality within a cellular space. Neighbourhoods are bounded by larger areas to evaluate neighbourhood ethnic mix and agents can only move to areas where they can afford.

A free trial version of the SimSeg Learning Edition can be downloaded from the website: and the site also provides a useful review article of theoretical perspectives on residential segregation in American urban areas along with other resources.

If you interested in segregation, there are a whole host of other models available on the internet. For example Schelling Segregation Model created by Chris Cook, written is C# (the source code is available), A java applet created by Raj Singh, A NetLogo model or a Repast model created byGirardin et al., (2006) .

Further Reading:

Fossett, M. and Senft, R. (2004), 'SIMSEG and Generative Models: A Typology of Model-Generated Segregation Patterns', Proceedings of the Agent 2004 Conference on Social Dynamics: Interaction, Reflexivity and Emergence, Chicago, USA, pp. 39-78, Available at

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