Sorry for the lack of posts recently, we have been working on a number of projects. One is creating a simplified road network for London to explore the road structure in relation to network theory (see Masucci) but also for its use in accessibility measures. Our second project is building a detailed land use database for London (using SQL Server which we access through ArcSDE).
The purpose of the database is so our research group can use it for various applications (such as land use modelling, residential agent-based modelling, urban sprawl analysis, sustainability, rain water harvesting etc). The aim of the land use database is to tag all the buildings within London with various attributes such as use, whether it is a house, a flat or an office etc. The data sets we are using include; Ordnance Survey MasterMap and Address layer 2 , building heights via LIDAR data from InfoTerra. We are using Cities Revealed data for residential building types and age along with several other datasets. When combined it will allow for fine scale and extensive modelling of the of London’s housing market & built environment.
Below are some preliminary outputs, including a land use visualisation of the Isle of Dogs, the London Borough of Tower Hamlets broken down by residential property types and finally residential density within a section of the Isle of Dogs.
The purpose of the database is so our research group can use it for various applications (such as land use modelling, residential agent-based modelling, urban sprawl analysis, sustainability, rain water harvesting etc). The aim of the land use database is to tag all the buildings within London with various attributes such as use, whether it is a house, a flat or an office etc. The data sets we are using include; Ordnance Survey MasterMap and Address layer 2 , building heights via LIDAR data from InfoTerra. We are using Cities Revealed data for residential building types and age along with several other datasets. When combined it will allow for fine scale and extensive modelling of the of London’s housing market & built environment.
Below are some preliminary outputs, including a land use visualisation of the Isle of Dogs, the London Borough of Tower Hamlets broken down by residential property types and finally residential density within a section of the Isle of Dogs.
Isle of Dogs Land-use 3D Visualisation (Red is Residential, Dark blue is Office, Light blue is Office Mixed Use).

when I watched the video it instantly reminded me of my work with large scale urban model ( )
right now the model is much more advanced but due to the fact that its being developed for a government agency and contains classified materials I cannot show the final product but just want you to know that google earth with some gis exporting kml (for example manifold) can produce great 3d data models (similar to your building/land use model).
Hi Tomasz, thanks for the heads up, I will keep it in mind once we get the database up and running but we need to be careful with copyright.
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