Thursday, June 17, 2010

GMU Fiarfax Campus created with CityScape

I have just been exploring the demo version of CityScape from PixelActive and I am quite impressed. CityScape is an urban modeling tool that allows users to build both custom and real-world environments quickly and easily. The focus of the modeler is on allowing developers to concentrate on design rather than the labor involved in creation.

The movie below show my initial attempt of creating a agent-based traffic model around the Fairfax Campus of George Mason University. The model utilizes a real world elevation data downloaded from the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) National Map, the road data comes from OpenStreetMap and the building footprints from the Geospatial Data Collection at Mason.

Some readers might find the movie below from an earlier post created in Repast Simphony an interesting comparison. Basically in this model, agents are pedestrians and they choose the shortest route between two buildings.


Pedro Mendes said...

Hi Andrew,

Nice work with the "Agents on campus"'s model! Is the source code available online?

I'm trying to build a model regarding physical infrastructure networks for optical fiber topologies. I looking at Nick Malleson's RepastCity2 model and I'll be appreciated if I could get another GIS network example to look at.


Pedro Mendes

Andrew Crooks said...

Hi Pedro,

Thanks for taking an interest. This was done by just following Nicks tutorial and replacing it with GMU data. I dont have the data anymore, sorry. It was downloaded from the GMU library.
