Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Fine Scale Modelling of the London Housing Market

Over the last few weeks Duncan Smith and I have been working on paper entitled “Fine Scale Modelling of the London Housing Market” for the GISRUK 2008 conference.

The motivation behind this research comes from the lack of fine scale property data within England. Unlike other countries, England has no national cadastre on housing attributes (such as size, type and age) which restricts application of GIS in planning. While new datasets are becoming available, we have become interested in exploring if combining recent datasets, such as OS address data and Land Registry transaction data can begin to fill this data gap? And if this is the case, could a fine scale housing database developed from these datasets be used to improve house price modelling?

Isle of Dogs Housing Density 3D Map.

While at present this is work in progress, the presentation outlines our current work and initial findings while the paper suggests future work, such as the creation of an agent-based model exploring residential choice.

Full Reference:

Crooks, A. T., Smith, D. A., and Theseira, M. (2008), The Fine Scale Spatial Dynamics of the Greater London Housing Market, in Lambrick, D. (ed.), Proceedings of the 16th Geographical Information Systems Research UK Conference, UNIGIS, Manchester Metropolitan University, England, pp. 117-124. (pdf)

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