Friday, January 06, 2017

ABMUS2017: The 2nd International Workshop on Agent-based modelling of urban systems

Call for Papers: The 2nd International Workshop on Agent-based modelling of urban systems

The ABMUS2017 workshop on Agent-based modelling of urban systems will be held at the AAMAS2017 conference in Sao Paulo, Brazil on 8-9 May 2017. It is the follow-up of ABMUS2016 held in Singapore during AAMAS2016 on the 10th of May 2016.

Researchers and practitioners who use agent-based models and agent systems to understand, explore, and manage cities and urban infrastructure systems are invited to submit papers to ABMUS2017. The overarching theme for the workshop is data for agent-based models. Data is essential for building, calibrating, and validating agent-based city and urban infrastructure models. But which approaches are optimal for what purposes? We invite presentations that describe data collection and data management approaches in agent-based models, as well as the use of data sets and methodologies that can be translated and re-used between researchers, sectors and countries.

Workshop topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Large scale urban simulation applications
  • Agent-based modelling of urban transport, land-use, housing, energy, health, etc.
  • Spatially explicit micro-simulation modelling
  • Simulation of household behaviour and technology adoption
  • Localized population synthesis
  • Multi-scale urban systems (temporal and spatial)
  • Social simulation of demographic transitions
  • Use of mobile technology to validate activity patterns
  • Techniques for integrating independently developed components
  • Agent-based platforms for urban simulation
  • Data structures for simulating urban environments
  • (Multi-)agent systems for decision support in e.g. transport, energy use and air quality
  • Connection of simulation models to social and geographical theory
  • Development of 'master' city datasets for model validation
At the workshop each presenter will be given 10 minutes to introduce their paper and/or case study, followed by 5-10 minutes in which presenters will share their views on the data for agent-based models theme. After three presentations there will be 20-30 minutes of group discussion in which presenters will act as panel members.

Important dates:
  • 7 February 2017: Deadline for paper submissions
  • 2 March 2017: Notification of acceptance following the review process
  • 17 March 2017: Deadline for submitting camera-ready papers (including LaTeX files)
  • 8-9 May 2017: ABMUS workshop at the AAMAS2017 conference in Sao Paulo, Brazil

For details on how to submit please see or for more information please contact:

The organizing committee consists of:

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