In order to better understand the relationship between the interactions of urbanization and flood risk and to assist with flood risk management in this paper we build a spatial urban growth model (i.e., a cellular automata model) for simulating city expansion over time, using the City of Boulder, Colorado as a testbed. This urban growth model is integrated with a flood hazard model (i.e., HAZUS-MH) to assess the effect of urbanization on future flood risk. We capture the feedback between different urbanization scenarios, influenced by various land-use policies and socioeconomic incentives (e.g., no policy, current policy and risk-informed planning policies), and flood risk in a urbanizing city (e.g., City of Boulder). This framework is intended to assist city planners and stakeholders in examining tradeoffs between costs and benefits of future land development, considering uncertainties in flood hazards and the performance of built environment in order to in achieve more sustainable and resilient cities. If this sounds of interest, below we provide the abstract to the paper, along with some figures that accompany the paper (e.g., the framework itself, different development plan scenarios, growth projections, and the economic consequences of these scenarios). Finally at the bottom of the post the full reference is given and a link to the paper itself.
Abstract: Flood risk is increasing in urban communities due to climate change and socioeconomic development. Socioeconomic development is a major cause of urban expansion in flood-prone regions, as it places more physical, economic, and social infrastructure at risk. Moreover, in light of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the United Nations, it has become an international imperative to move toward sustainable cities. Current approaches to quantify this risk use scenario-based methods involving arbitrary projections of city growth. These methods seldom incorporate geographical, social, and economic factors associated with urbanization and cannot mimic city growth under various urban development plans. In this paper, we introduce a framework for understanding the interactions between urbanization and flood risk as an essential ingredient for flood risk management. This framework integrates an urban growth model with a hazard model to explore flood risk under various urban development scenarios. We then investigate the effectiveness of coupling nonstructural flood mitigation measures - in terms of urban planning policies and socioeconomic incentives - with urban growth processes to achieve sustainable and resilient communities. Using this framework, we can not only simulate urban expansion dynamics through time and its effect on flood risk but also model the growth of a region under various urban planning policies and assess the effectiveness of these measures in reducing flood risk. Our analysis reveals that while current urban development plans may put more people and assets at flood risk, the nonstructural strategies considered in this study mitigated the consequences of floods. Such a framework could be used to assist city planners and stakeholders in examining tradeoffs between costs and benefits of future land development in achieving sustainable and resilient cities.Key Words: Adaptation policies; Flood risk; Resilience; Urbanization; Urban planning.
Growth projections for the year 2040, based on: (a) No-Policy scenario, (b) Current Policy scenario, (c) Policy I, and (d) Policy II. |
Full Reference:
Hemmati, M., Hussam N., Ellingwood B.R. and Crooks, A.T. (2021), Shaping Urbanization to Achieve Sustainable Communities Resilient to Floods, Environmental Research Letters, 16, 094033 (pdf)
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